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‘We got to take these motherf–kers
out’: Rutgers professor calls white
people ‘villains’

Original Article

Posted By: Ribicon, 10/29/2021 12:11:15 PM

A professor at New Jersey’s Rutgers University said she believes that white people are historically “committed to being villains”—and that her unfiltered solution to addressing white supremacy would be to “take them out.” Brittney Cooper, a professor of women’s and gender studies and Africana studies, addressed the history of colonialism during a discussion last month about critical race theory with the Root Institute.(Snip)“White people’s birth rates are going down… because they literally cannot afford to put their children, newer generations, into the middle class… It’s super perverse, and also they kind of deserve it,” she said.


Professor? She should be a dean, at a minimum. She did say one true thing, which WHITE people appear to celebrate. Many of us delay or cut back on how many children we have because the federal government makes us provide cradle-to-grave Free Stuff for the bLACK and Brown people this racist nut says once sailed the oceans.

Post Reply

Reply 1 - Posted by: sw penn 10/29/2021 12:14:27 PM (No. 960722)
Molon labe
19 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Northcross 10/29/2021 12:15:30 PM (No. 960724)
Fire her. Then fire the person who hired her. Then...
52 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Bison65 10/29/2021 12:29:57 PM (No. 960745)
Black supremacy. Everyone can see how well that has worked out in nearly every country in Africa. If in the distant future China literally takes over the U.S. they will solve America’s black problem.
47 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: marbles 10/29/2021 12:30:29 PM (No. 960749)
Rutgers is the state university of New Jersey. She is employed by New Jersey. In the name of the state she's advocating violence ( while showing off her low IQ and why affirmative action is detrimental ).
49 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: foxglove 10/29/2021 12:30:31 PM (No. 960750)
She is quite worked up in her delivery. That’s the nice way of saying she is a very hateful racist but she can’t see past her own rage.
28 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: udanja99 10/29/2021 12:37:48 PM (No. 960762)
OK, Brittney (isn’t that a white name?), if that’s what you really think, you need to give up every single thing in your life which was created, discovered or invented by white people. So…go back to Africa, live in a mud hut, eat termite larvae, never bathe again, wear leaves and animal skins, suffer every disease known to man.
48 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Krause 10/29/2021 12:50:24 PM (No. 960778)
This is obviously what her students hear from her daily. And apparently Rutgers is OK with this.
18 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: Jesuslover54 10/29/2021 12:55:19 PM (No. 960783)
I wonder what she thinks the purpose of a university might be.
10 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: itsonlyme 10/29/2021 1:03:44 PM (No. 960797)
Leet mee axe u aa queshun Iz u bats***t krazi? U badd dawgess, badd
9 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Newtsche 10/29/2021 1:06:17 PM (No. 960803)
Is Cooper the rule or the exception? Based on voting records and crime statistics, I'll take a guess. Stereotypes are a two way street, sweetie.
10 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: ussjimmycarter 10/29/2021 1:07:11 PM (No. 960805)
I always love it when “America’s Team” THE Iowa Hawkeyes plays this school of evil doers in football! Another buttkicking for the “Knights”!!!
8 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: Hugh Akston 10/29/2021 1:13:36 PM (No. 960814)
If I actually posted what I am thinking, which mirrors the headline, I would never post again.
9 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: bighambone 10/29/2021 1:15:46 PM (No. 960816)
Unfortunately there are more and more Black Supremacist professors just like her or worse, the only difference is that the media has not picked up, most times purposefully, on their ramblings, or they keep them in the classrooms. There would not be a University there to employ her in the first place if it were not for the White people of past eras. If her ancestors had not come to America and she was born and lived in some African village and talked as she does, the elders would pull down her pants and spank the heck out of her, so she should be lucky she is in America.
5 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: learner 10/29/2021 1:20:22 PM (No. 960822)
Has youtube taken down the video yet? She is espousing violence. Professor of a made up dept, gender and womens studies. Aren't we beyond the idea of 'women'? Should just be gender studies to be victimologically correct..
8 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: stablemoney 10/29/2021 1:37:10 PM (No. 960837)
She reflects Rutger's values. Some more information is that NJ is a criminal state. Don't pass through, unless you enjoy being mugged.
4 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: Maggie2u 10/29/2021 1:38:24 PM (No. 960839)
Says a lot about the village elders who sold her ancestors into slavery two hundred years ago. They knew the stupid genes would be passed down for eternity.
8 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: zephyrgirl 10/29/2021 1:45:23 PM (No. 960847)
I wonder who she thinks pays her salary - the 85% non-black population, or the 15% black population of New Jersey? What's she going to do when the MFs are "taken out?"
11 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: DVC 10/29/2021 1:49:03 PM (No. 960853)
Please come and try. If you promise to come personally, I'll give you my home address.
7 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: jasmine 10/29/2021 2:04:38 PM (No. 960877)
Good heavens. Aside from stereotyping and demonizing white Americans, she speaks like someone who never quite grasped standard English. Very disappointing that such an individual would be elevated to the position of influence she holds. Imagine being a white student in a classroom where the professor calls for you and those who look like you to be "taken out" because you're "committed to being villains." Are there no professional standards at Rutgers?
9 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: rochow 10/29/2021 2:08:53 PM (No. 960884)
Throw this POS out!!!!!!!!!!! AND sue her for racism!!!!!! Don't care if she has tenure or not, out with this trash!
11 people like this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: downnout 10/29/2021 2:19:55 PM (No. 960900)
What a hateful individual. Why hasn’t she been fired from Rutgers and banned by Twitter and Fakebook? (I’m just using their tactics here…)
10 people like this.

Reply 22 - Posted by: DVC 10/29/2021 2:28:40 PM (No. 960904)
Another useless afirmative action hire....her only two qualifications were skill color and sex. No requirement for brains, speaking ability, education or competence. "A black female! Hire her!"
8 people like this.

Reply 23 - Posted by: RuckusTom 10/29/2021 2:41:07 PM (No. 960907)
Wow. If source and target were reversed ...
4 people like this.

Reply 24 - Posted by: coldoc 10/29/2021 2:55:46 PM (No. 960924)
Watch one show of cops and you will see black supremacy is purely a figment of this dolts imagination. Will never happen.
4 people like this.

Reply 25 - Posted by: LC Chihuahua 10/29/2021 3:10:25 PM (No. 960936)
We one lacks intelligence, they make up for it in hatred. Odds are high she is the dumbest person in the classroom. Wonder how many of her students realized that? The ones that dropped her class certainly did. She's not an educator. She's an indoctrinator.
7 people like this.

Reply 26 - Posted by: lakerman1 10/29/2021 3:28:27 PM (No. 960949)
Lincoln was an advocate for African colonization of slaves. He might have been on to something.
4 people like this.

Reply 27 - Posted by: lynngirl122 10/29/2021 3:32:57 PM (No. 960953)
No problem cashing her paycheck though from her white payroll office.
5 people like this.

Reply 28 - Posted by: oldsfc 10/29/2021 3:56:48 PM (No. 960965)
More massive moon cricket madness. And this clown is a prof?? Another example of a job held by an affirmative action clown.
2 people like this.

Reply 29 - Posted by: Birddog 10/29/2021 4:31:37 PM (No. 960983)
Soooo...she claims to know what White people think? ALL of them? All of the way back through history, and currently today? How would she "know" that? "Long before there were whyte people, For centuries Black people and brown people had ships, and were sailing all over the world...without practicing domination and subjugation" Where are the relics from these utopian nubian voyages and collaborations? There is no "written Record" because... While they built global sailing/trading networks, navigated by the stars using complex maths...they had NO written languages and not even any words for any number exceeding fingers(not even toes were used) It was allll accomplished using...."black" Magic.
3 people like this.

Reply 30 - Posted by: weejun 10/29/2021 4:35:41 PM (No. 960988)
I want to know who on earth in this or any other economy would hire someone with a degree in women’s and gender studies and Africana studies. Any parent spending good money to have this loser teach this drivel to their kids should have their head examined.
4 people like this.

Reply 31 - Posted by: MickTurn 10/29/2021 6:17:03 PM (No. 961053)
BWitch, Come to Texas and do it'll last about 5 seconds past your first attack.
2 people like this.

Reply 32 - Posted by: paral04 10/29/2021 9:54:08 PM (No. 961204)
This awesomely beautiful woman of African descent has to remember that it was the Black tires in Africa who sold their losing tribal enemies to the Europeans. She need to visit the Ivory Coast, where all this started, and have a chat with those brothers.
1 person likes this.

Reply 33 - Posted by: mifla 10/30/2021 4:46:12 AM (No. 961295)
Sounds like a threat. Someone should call the DOJ. Her title has the word "studies" in it. Not surprised.
1 person likes this.

Reply 34 - Posted by: paral04 10/30/2021 9:43:15 AM (No. 961464)
Someone should haul her butt to deepest Africa and leave her there. She won't have to deal with Whitey anymore, which should delight her.
2 people like this.

Reply 35 - Posted by: Italiano 10/30/2021 10:48:11 AM (No. 961548)
Beyonce she ain't. That creature Tlaib got away with it. So will she.
1 person likes this.

Reply 36 - Posted by: JimBob 10/31/2021 12:52:30 AM (No. 962133)
" ...a professor of women’s and gender studies and Africana studies". Tells me all I need to know.
0 people like this.

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American Airlines cancels more than 700
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Posted by Ribicon 10/30/2021 9:39:34 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Ribicon 10/30/2021 2:25:25 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Ribicon 10/30/2021 1:24:13 PM Post Reply
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JFK's assassin Lee Harvey Oswald was trained
at a secret CIA camp preparing for invasion
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Posted by Ribicon 10/30/2021 12:00:03 PM Post Reply
JFK's assassin Lee Harvey Oswald trained at a secret CIA camp preparing for an invasion of Cuba, the son of his alleged sniper teacher said. But Ricardo Morales Jr said that trainer—his dad Ricardo Sr—insisted after the November 1963 assassination that there was no way Oswald had the marksmanship to pull off the murder, further bolstering conspiracy theories over the doomed president's death. Morales Jr., 58, of Michigan, told Miami's Actualidad Radio that his father was a contract CIA worker, anti-Castro militant, counter-intelligence chief for Venezuela, FBI informant and drug dealer. Morales Sr went by the nickname 'Monkey', and was among the FBI's most infamous informants.
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Posted by Ribicon 10/30/2021 11:56:32 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Ribicon 10/30/2021 11:08:52 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Ribicon 10/30/2021 10:49:18 AM Post Reply
US Border Patrol recorded more migrant deaths on the US southern border in fiscal year 2021 than in any prior year on record, according to data shared by the agency Thursday. There were 557 Southwest border deaths during the fiscal year, which ended September 30. That's up from 254 deaths in fiscal year 2020 and 300 deaths in 2019, marking a significant increase amid a 30-record year for border crossings. The agency data on deaths dates to 1998. A majority of migrant border deaths have been related to heat exposure, according to the agency.(Snip)Several factors led to the increase in recorded deaths, including more people crossing the border
'Oh, isn't that wonderful': Mayor of St.
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Posted by Ribicon 10/30/2021 10:42:09 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Ribicon 10/30/2021 10:19:33 AM Post Reply
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19 replies
Posted by Ribicon 10/29/2021 10:04:20 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden will generate an estimated 2.2 million pounds of carbon during his trip to Europe to speak on the perils of climate change. The gigantic carbon footprint is comprised of 2.16 million pounds of carbon dioxide generated by the four large planes that comprise his airborne entourage on the trip to Italy and Scotland, where the president will speak at the COP26 summit on change in Glasgow, with the remainder emitted by Biden's cars. His fleet is comprised up of the heavily modified Boeing 747 he travels on, known as Air Force One when the president is on board, an identical decoy and two huge C-17 Globemaster
Supreme Court upholds Maine’s COVID-19
vaccine mandate
28 replies
Posted by Ribicon 10/29/2021 7:02:09 PM Post Reply
The Supreme Court on Friday upheld Maine’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate, declining to halt its enforcement with a 6-3 ruling. Justices Neil M. Gorsuch, Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas would have halted it. Maine health care workers had asked the justices to block the vaccine mandate in the state, where more than 2,000 doctors, nurses and medical technicians oppose Democratic Gov. Janet Mills’ requirement to get vaccinated by Oct. 29 or get fired. They say the mandate from Ms. Mills runs afoul of federal law because it does not provide them with a religious exemption.(Snip)Before Justice Breyer refused to block the Maine mandate, Justice Amy Coney Barrett
Florida Lawmaker: GOP-Controlled Florida
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8 replies
Posted by Ribicon 10/29/2021 6:05:21 PM Post Reply
The Republican-controlled Florida legislature is unlikely to ban President Biden’s vaccine mandates, according to Speaker-Designate Paul Renner (R). Renner conveyed to Florida Politics that Gov. Ron DeSantis’ (R) special session in November will not meet many demands of the voters because “neither mandates nor employee restrictions will receive strong support,” the publication wrote.(Snip)Upon announcing the special session, the office of DeSantis on October 22 released a document seemly void of any request for the legislature to ban the mandate. The document alternatively asks the legislature to provide certain social benefits for employees being fired for noncompliance with the mandate. Republican Florida House Speaker Chris Sprowls (R)
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JFK's assassin Lee Harvey Oswald was trained
at a secret CIA camp preparing for invasion
of Cuba - and sniper who taught him insisted
after that there was NO WAY Oswald had
the marksmanship to kill the president
36 replies
Posted by Ribicon 10/30/2021 12:00:03 PM Post Reply
JFK's assassin Lee Harvey Oswald trained at a secret CIA camp preparing for an invasion of Cuba, the son of his alleged sniper teacher said. But Ricardo Morales Jr said that trainer—his dad Ricardo Sr—insisted after the November 1963 assassination that there was no way Oswald had the marksmanship to pull off the murder, further bolstering conspiracy theories over the doomed president's death. Morales Jr., 58, of Michigan, told Miami's Actualidad Radio that his father was a contract CIA worker, anti-Castro militant, counter-intelligence chief for Venezuela, FBI informant and drug dealer. Morales Sr went by the nickname 'Monkey', and was among the FBI's most infamous informants.
Intelligence report concludes coronavirus
was NOT developed as biological weapon
- but origin will never be known because
China is obstructing investigation and
blaming US
32 replies
Posted by Ribicon 10/30/2021 11:08:52 AM Post Reply
A declassified US intelligence report has concluded COVID wasn't developed as a biological weapon—but conceded that coronavirus may well have emerged from the Wuhan Institute of Virology. The paper issued by the Director of National Intelligence on Friday elaborates on findings released in August of a 90-day review ordered by President Joe Biden. That review said that U.S. intelligence agencies were divided on the origins of the virus, but that analysts do not believe the virus was developed as a bioweapon, and that most agencies believe the virus was not genetically engineered.(Snip)They added that China's continued obfuscation over COVID—including allegations that the United States itself is responsible
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Posted by Imright 10/30/2021 12:19:01 AM Post Reply
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24 replies
Posted by PageTurner 10/30/2021 9:39:10 AM Post Reply
While Joe Biden was out making a fool of himself in event after event across Europe, Kamala Harris was doing her best to match him back home: Get a load of her performance out on the campaign trail with Virginia's flailing Democrat gubernatorial candidate, Terry McAuliffe: (Snip for tweet) How embarrassing. Notice that she's getting little response from her crowd, which presumably is a big friendly Democrat-voting crowd. Why is she doing this? Quite possibly because she has nothing else to do. Biden didn't seem to invite her to the global warming summit he was heading for in Europe --- the one with 85 cars in his entourage.
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Posted by Black Conservative Voice 10/30/2021 9:26:16 AM Post Reply
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Trump: 'Not Even Believable' That Biden
Admin Considering 450K For Families Separated
At Border
23 replies
Posted by Black Conservative Voice 10/30/2021 6:25:49 AM Post Reply
Former President Trump said Friday "it's not even believable" that President Biden's administration is debating $450,000 payments per person to migrants who were separated from their families at the southern border. Trump's remarks came in response to a report from the Wall Street Journal, during his appearance on the "Clay Travis and Buck Sexton" show. "It's not even believable what they're doing," Trump said.
Lindsey Graham breaks with most Republican
colleagues by supporting Biden judicial nominees
22 replies
Posted by DVC 10/30/2021 4:11:41 PM Post Reply
With Democrats controlling the Senate, it comes as no surprise that President Biden has successfully nominated dozens of federal judges, but nearly all of those picks enjoyed the support of a high-profile Republican: Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C. Graham, who until January was the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, voted in favor of all but three of Biden’s picks who have gone before the full Senate for votes. In two of those cases he did not vote at all, and he voted no in just one. In a political environment that has become highly polarized – particularly when it comes to presidential nominations – Graham’s approach to judicial nominations
Border crisis hits classrooms as unaccompanied
minors flood NY schools
22 replies
Posted by Imright 10/30/2021 12:02:36 PM Post Reply
America’s crisis at the border is now a crisis in New York public schools.The Biden Administration is flooding New York City and Long Island communities with thousands of unaccompanied immigrant minors captured crossing the Mexico-US border, often arriving here, as The Post recently reported, via clandestine flights in the middle of the night.The arrival of these children, mostly teenage boys, in local schools is creating a classroom crisis that is strapping educational resources, costing taxpayers millions in un-budgeted dollars, and aiding gang-recruiting efforts,
Terry McAuliffe Skips Campaign Events
Days Before Election
21 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 10/30/2021 1:01:51 AM Post Reply
Virginia gubernatorial candidate and former Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D) appeared to cancel or skip campaign events only days before Tuesday’s bellwether election. McAuliffe, on Thursday night, did not show up for a “Get Out the Vote” (GOTV) event in Prince William County. Instead, the candidate for Lieutenant Governor, Del. Hala Ayala, appeared in McAuliffe’s place. Following the recent trend of Virginia Democrat candidates having low turnout at campaign events, Ayala seemed to be speaking before a smaller crowd.
Let's Just Admit Why Biden Was Elected, America 19 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 10/30/2021 6:06:04 PM Post Reply
Let’s be honest, Democrats. Joe Biden was elected — I will not relitigate the “stolen election” debate in this article — for one reason: to get rid of Donald Trump. Period. The Democrat Party could have nominated a blind, intellectually disabled squirrel, and the results of the 2020 election would not have changed. But let’s be clear: No one loves Joe Biden. Moreover, everyone from White House officials to members of Biden’s cabinet to Democrat lawmakers on Capitol Hill to the sock puppets of the so-called “mainstream” media is terrified every time Corn Pop’s pal opens his mouth — at which time he invariably mumbles something else stupid and/or incoherent.
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