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When Military Leaders Can't Recognize
Our Own Troops, It Might Be a Problem

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Posted By: Dreadnought, 9/6/2021 12:51:08 AM

We’ve been beating up Joe Biden a lot over the failures in Afghanistan. But there’s a lot of failure to go around — including the leadership in the military not standing up to Biden and telling him that his moves were placing the mission and Americans at greater risk. It’s something that one would think wouldn’t take a rocket scientist in terms of military strategy to figure out — you don’t close your fortified air base and pull out your troops before you extract Americans and the Afghan allies who you need to get out. But maybe the thoroughly modern Gen. Milley was too busy trying to understand

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Come And Take It 9/6/2021 1:17:50 AM (No. 905534)
Another friggin' diversity promotion that can't tell the difference between British and American troops. Another three-star whopping moron. This one has another chest-full of medals that any North Korean general would be envious of. It's amazing how decorated you can become flying a desk your entire career.
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Reply 2 - Posted by: Zeek Wolfe 9/6/2021 2:14:54 AM (No. 905555)
If you study the career of Confederate General Gideon Pillow, the worst general of either side in the Civil War, then you know where are current crop of generals is drawing their inspiration. Never heard of General Pillow? That's okay, just google Gneral Ambrose Burnside as a substitute. These dunces did not have something that General Milley of the joint Chiefs has...wokeness, what a schlepp.
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Reply 3 - Posted by: red1066 9/6/2021 10:12:09 AM (No. 905782)
One would think that when the U.S. closed the airbase, it was a signal to all Americans to get the hell out of Afghanistan now. It's not like it was a secret that it was happening. However, why closing a secured airbase before people and equipment were removed was thought to be a good idea is beyond me. It was a basackwards decision. No rational military person would approve of such a plan. I guess the rational plan that Trump had couldn't be used because it was Trump's plan.
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Reply 4 - Posted by: MickTurn 9/6/2021 10:22:17 AM (No. 905795)
All Milley did was prove he's a clueless Leftist...
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Reply 5 - Posted by: bigfatslob 9/6/2021 10:35:10 AM (No. 905815)
Wow the military is just a big social experiment, diversity a big part of it. Poor old Ike had three ribbons on his uniform along with some stars on his collar. General Milley looks like he has a large pizza on his chest while looking for white rage in his ranks then shuffling in the chow line for his enormous diet. Must be the nervousness of the new job that made the diversity hire mistake Brits for white rage American soldiers.
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Reply 6 - Posted by: kidsmom 9/6/2021 10:56:33 AM (No. 905839)
I told my husband that now that we've abandoned billions of dollars of equipment and materials over there, we're going to have to redesign our camo to be able to tell friend from foe. Doubly so now that our goods are making their way to Iran. Hugely disappointed in this administration and the military brass for betraying our country. Wish I knew if there were something in the USCMJ that would allow them all to be courtmartialed??
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Reply 7 - Posted by: earlybird 9/6/2021 11:36:52 AM (No. 905863)
It will be a lot worse now that the Taliban are outfitted in our uniforms and gear and carrying our weapons, one of the worst things that can happen in combat conditions.
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Reply 8 - Posted by: LadyVet 9/6/2021 12:09:36 PM (No. 905894)
Some of these kinds of diversity people are not very interested in fashion, don't pay much attention to what you are wearing. Just saying. Without noticing the weapons or camo, I would have guessed that this group was not American because there were no blacks, no browns, no women. A diversity officer could have at least noticed that.
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Reply 9 - Posted by: bighambone 9/6/2021 4:42:59 PM (No. 906094)
Does it really make any difference, at this point certainly not to the UK, where top politicians are telling the media there that if Biden comes calling wanting the British military to join the USA in another Afghanistan like boon dangle that the answer will be “No”. You can’t decide as US President to unilaterally pull all US troops out of a joint US and NATO Military operation like Biden did in Afghanistan, without advising a close ally like the UK that had ground combat troops in country, and then not answer a telephone call from the British Prime Minister for 40 hours and keep the respect of a historically close ally like the UK. Remember for many years Biden has played the part of a so-called “Plastic Irishman or Paddy” who has supported the IRA, to his domestic political advantage, so who is to say that Biden is not intentionally “screwing” with the UK. Maybe Biden thinks that he can simply trade in an old ally like the UK, and replace the UK with his apparent new ally the Taliban.
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Posted by Dreadnought 9/7/2021 2:37:43 PM Post Reply
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The Swoon Is Over: Europe Breaks up With
Biden Over Afghanistan Betrayal
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Posted by Dreadnought 9/7/2021 2:13:17 PM Post Reply
Welp, that was a short marriage. Mere months after glowingly calling the new love of their life “a return to adulthood,” no-longer-swooning European leaders have kicked the inept “cheater” — beleaguered Joe Biden — to the curb, correctly labeling his haphazard, unilateral, disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, “cowardice,” “the greatest debacle that NATO has experienced since its foundation,” and worse. At the NATO summit in 2017, French President Emanuel Macron dug his fingertips into then-President Donald Trump’s hand, as reported by the BBC, staring him in the face. Macron would later say: “It wasn’t innocent. In my bilateral dialogues, I won’t let anything pass.”
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Posted by Dreadnought 9/7/2021 2:03:34 PM Post Reply
Though delayed by Democratic quorum breaks, Texas has officially joined the slate of Republican states that have enacted new voting restrictions following the 2020 election. Gov. Greg Abbott on Tuesday signed into law Senate Bill 1, sweeping legislation that further tightens state election laws and constrains local control of elections by limiting counties’ ability to expand voting options. The governor’s signature ends months of legislative clashes and standoffs during which Democrats — propelled by concerns that the legislation raises new barriers for marginalized voters — forced Republicans into two extra legislative sessions.
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7 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 9/7/2021 11:23:49 AM Post Reply
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WSJ: Men appear to be giving up on college 30 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 9/7/2021 12:43:45 AM Post Reply
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Cancel Culture Insurance: Twitter Will
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11 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 9/7/2021 12:38:34 AM Post Reply
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10 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 9/7/2021 12:33:25 AM Post Reply
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Jean-Paul Belmondo, Star of Godard’s
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1 reply
Posted by Dreadnought 9/7/2021 12:27:12 AM Post Reply
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How You Can Tell the Delta Surge in Florida
Is Waning
4 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 9/7/2021 12:22:17 AM Post Reply
You can almost hear the wailing. If the media wants to keep up the COVID-19 panic porn, they will have to pick on a Democrat governor. Right now, Oregon Governor Kate Brown is seeing a significant surge in COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations in her state, just like Hawaii experienced concurrent with the red states in the Southeast. But if the media talks about Hawaii and Oregon, they have to point out that these states enforced some of the strictest restrictions and mask mandates, and cases surged anyway. That can’t happen. The corporate media prefers to portray Florida Governor Ron DeSantis as incompetent and generally fails spectacularly.
Rolling Stone's ivermectin fiction shows
why Republicans don't trust media
24 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 9/6/2021 12:27:34 PM Post Reply
If you want to know why Republicans have no faith in news organizations, look no further than the Rolling Stone story shared liberally across Twitter this weekend claiming that Oklahoma hospitals were turning away gunshot victims because they were overwhelmed by “horse dewormer overdoses.” Headlined “Gunshot Victims Left Waiting as Horse Dewormer Overdoses Overwhelm Oklahoma Hospitals, Doctor Says,” the Rolling Stone story, written by Peter Wade , quoted a Dr. Jason McElyea who claimed, “The ERs are so backed up that gunshot victims were having hard times getting to facilities where they can get definitive care and be treated.”
High Noonan 25 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 9/6/2021 12:16:41 PM Post Reply
In “Joe Biden displays his wisdom,” Paul Mirengoff draws on Peggy Noonan’s current Wall Street Journal column for its insight into the failings of President Biden. I thought it was a good Noonan column and true even if it was Noonan speaking, but late and therefore hurried. Noonan is in a rush to make it clear she sees what everybody else has seen over the past few weeks. Noonan doesn’t mention her support for Biden in her September 2020 Wall Street Journal column when the choice was between Biden and Trump. Conrad Black observed that Noonan had gone full metal-jacket for Biden. Black’s column has stood the test of time.
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Posted by NorthernDog 9/7/2021 9:34:12 AM Post Reply
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32 replies
Posted by Imright 9/7/2021 1:54:53 AM Post Reply
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Is COVID a Pandemic of the Unvaccinated?
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30 replies
Posted by Magnante 9/7/2021 3:11:27 AM Post Reply
Physicians spreading medical misinformation, particularly about COVID, “are risking disciplinary action by state medical boards” due to their “high degree of public trust” and their “powerful platform in society.” One could say this applies more so to the president of the United States, the CDC director, and to major newspapers and media organizations (snip) A popular catchphrase this past summer is that COVID is, “a pandemic among the unvaccinated.” (snip) By simply perusing the news, one can draw a far different conclusion, that we are instead seeing a “pandemic of the vaccinated.”
WSJ: Men appear to be giving up on college 30 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 9/7/2021 12:43:45 AM Post Reply
There’s an interesting story in the Wall Street Journal today about the declining enrollment of men in 2 and 4-year colleges. This gender enrollment disparity is a trend that has been happening for a while now, but at this point the divergence between men and women is becoming pretty dramatic. At the close of the 2020-21 academic year, women made up 59.5% of college students, an all-time high, and men 40.5%, according to a Wall Street Journal analysis of enrollment data from the National Student Clearinghouse, a nonprofit research group. U.S. colleges and universities had 1.5 million fewer students compared with five years ago, and men
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Posted by Imright 9/7/2021 7:30:06 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 9/7/2021 1:01:31 PM Post Reply
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26 replies
Posted by Ribicon 9/7/2021 1:58:13 PM Post Reply
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and I Can't Stop Laughing at
the Cringe
26 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 9/7/2021 12:10:10 AM Post Reply
Jeb Bush has returned to brighten your Labor Day weekend with a message: It’s time for Republicans to take “action” on climate change. Yes, with everything that’s going on right now, including the country being led off a cliff by Joe Biden, 2016’s low-energy candidate has his finger on the pulse. Inflation, American hostages in Afghanistan, the border crisis, etc. pale in comparison to the urgent need to tax carbon and spend more money we don’t have on useless green energy projects. But it’s not just the message that’s dumb. It’s also the presentation.
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23 replies
Posted by Imright 9/7/2021 8:15:37 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden’s administration is asking Congress to authorize about $6.4 billion in American taxpayer money to bring 95,000 Afghans to the United States for permanent resettlement.In a call with reporters on Tuesday, administration officials said the White House would request Congress to authorize about $6.4 billion in funding to resettle tens of thousands of Afghans across the U.S.Pro-mass migration groups had asked Biden to authorize $8 billion in funds for Afghans.Roughly $1.7 billion of the funding will go toward “funding and resources to the Afghans to help them set up a new home in the U.S.,” NBC News reports.
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22 replies
Posted by Come And Take It 9/7/2021 8:23:18 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden on Thursday will present a six-pronged strategy intended to fight the spread of the highly contagious COVID Delta variant and increase U.S. COVID-19 vaccinations, the White House said on Tuesday. The United States, which leads the world in COVID-19 cases and deaths, is struggling to stem a wave of infections driven by the variant even as officials try to persuade Americans who have resisted vaccination to get the shots. Rising case loads have raised concerns as children head back to school, while also rattling investors and upending company return-to-office plans.
Mediocrity Reigns 21 replies
Posted by earlybird 9/7/2021 4:17:50 PM Post Reply
The Russian evolutionary anthropologist Peter Turchin coined the term “elite overproduction” to describe the condition of a society that is producing too many potential elite members.(snipHis choice of terms is a bit misleading, as his description of elite overproduction in America is better understood as an overproduction of people who see themselves as potential elites, despite being mediocrities.(snip)Turchin’s argument is aided by present reality. Jake Sullivan is the United States National Security Advisor to President Joe Biden. He was the primary architect of the plan to leave Afghanistan. A quick look at his résumé shows that he is laughably unqualified for the position. He is an overeducated idiot who is
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20 replies
Posted by Ribicon 9/7/2021 3:15:59 PM Post Reply
Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe is urging law enforcement to take an upcoming right-wing rally on Capitol Hill “very seriously” after rioters stormed the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6. “I think they should take it very seriously. In fact, they should take it more seriously than they took the same sort of intelligence that they likely saw on January 5,” Mr. McCabe, now a CNN contributor, told the cable news outlet late Monday. The “Justice for J6” rally is scheduled for Sept. 18, a Saturday when lawmakers likely will be out of town.(Snip)The new rally is designed to show support for rioters jailed in connection
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