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Dems blamed Trump for COVID deaths but
now won’t blame Biden

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Posted By: Ribicon, 9/6/2021 2:19:09 PM

One of the most morally revolting talking points taken up by Democrats in their effort to deflect attention from President Joe Biden’s deadly incompetence in Afghanistan is to minimize the deaths of 13 troops in Kabul, Afghanistan, by pointing out that more people are dying from COVID-19 every day. First of all, if we use the standards that Democrats set during the Trump years, those COVID-19 deaths are also the responsibility of Biden.(Snip)Biden ran on stopping the pandemic. “I will not shut down the country,” the then-presidential candidate promised. “I will shut down the virus,” “I will beat this virus” and so on.


Solid article highlights media hypocrisy at its finest. Unless the Marxist-controlled media propaganda axis is dismantled, the USA is done for. Perhaps it's already too late since they've controlled the schools for decades and also infest the government at every level.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Ribicon 9/6/2021 2:23:00 PM (No. 906002)
Example, "Woman punched, falls onto tracks in unprovoked attack in Union Square subway station: NYPD." The victim simply is a 59-year-old woman who is deaf, and the subway shover is one Vladimir Pierre, and 41, of Brooklyn. Must be a Russian?
2 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Ribicon 9/6/2021 2:23:45 PM (No. 906004)
Reply #1 comments on the wrong article, sorry.
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Reply 3 - Posted by: wilarrbie 9/6/2021 2:35:16 PM (No. 906014)
With all the bad press, purposeful twisting and/or denial of anything good about Trump, outright lies and certifiable (but still unheard in a courtroom) fraud at the ballot box - they struggled, but managed to get Trump out. With Joe, the false praises, hiding or ignoring his mounting failures and outright lies of support - and they keep him in. Treachery, thy name is Media.
9 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: red1066 9/6/2021 3:04:46 PM (No. 906029)
Stop renewing the license's for the media who have proved to be the enemy of the country. They can start with MSNBC, CNN, and maybe the New York Times, and Washington Post. However, I don't think newspapers need a license to print, but broadcast networks do.
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Reply 5 - Posted by: philsner 9/6/2021 4:10:13 PM (No. 906063)
How about blaming Covid?
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Reply 6 - Posted by: or gate 9/6/2021 4:31:44 PM (No. 906085)
Dems the party of blamers.
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Reply 7 - Posted by: curious1 9/6/2021 5:52:17 PM (No. 906149)
This is why actually listening to leftards or caring about what they say is a total waste of time. They are amoral. unethical liars ruthlessly seeking power. The only rational response is to treat them as the domestic enemies of the constitution that they are.
1 person likes this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: Birddog 9/6/2021 9:14:39 PM (No. 906312)
“I will shut down the virus,” “I will beat this virus”-Joe Biden(last year) "ICU, Hospitalizations, Infection rates DOUBLE those of this date last year"-Virus
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invites Trump to her son's funeral
after saying Biden 'has blood
on his hands'
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NPR: Afghans Arriving in U.S. with ‘No
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of Paper’
8 replies
Posted by Ribicon 9/7/2021 9:17:24 PM Post Reply
Afghans are arriving in the United States for resettlement, many without any paperwork and some with only “scraps of paper,” according to National Public Radio (NPR). A report details the interworkings of the makeshift processing site for Afghans, set up by President Joe Biden’s administration, at the Dulles, Virginia, Expo Center. The site has processed nearly 30,000 of the 65,000 Afghans flown to the U.S. over the last month. The site is expected to process another 30,000 Afghans in the coming months.(Snip)This week, for instance, the Associated Press reported that Afghans have lied about their identities or destroyed passports to conceal their true identities to gain entry
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He Is Not Trump Supporter
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Posted by Ribicon 9/7/2021 9:08:15 PM Post Reply
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Video game company CEO out over pro-life
comment on Texas abortion law
5 replies
Posted by Ribicon 9/7/2021 8:21:52 PM Post Reply
Conservative leaders are warning American corporations that they will pay the price for punishing right-leaning employees and red states after a Georgia-based video game company ousted its CEO for a tweet in support of a Texas law restricting abortions. Tripwire replaced its leader, John Gibson, on Monday after he said he was proud of the Supreme Court. “Proud of #USSupremeCourt affirming the Texas law banning abortion for babies with a heartbeat,” Mr. Gibson said in a Saturday tweet. “As an entertainer I don’t get political often. Yet with so many vocal peers on the other side of this issue, I felt it was important to go on the record
Catholics frustrated as increasing attacks
on churches go unnoticed
10 replies
Posted by Ribicon 9/7/2021 6:55:27 PM Post Reply
Denver—Their houses of worship have been torched and hit by gunfire, their statues smashed and defaced repeatedly in the last 18 months, but Catholics are having a hard time getting the powers that be to notice. The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops reported 93 incidents as of Aug. 24 in 28 states since May 2020, including “arson, statues beheaded, limbs cut, smashed, and painted, gravestones defaced with swastikas and anti-Catholic language and American flags next to them burned.” That figure may be low. C.J. Doyle, Catholic Action League executive director, said the list left out 12 of the 15 incidents during that period in Massachusetts, including a Molotov
'Um, get a job': Ted Cruz's response to
article claiming jobless Americans
have 'few options' after seven
million lost their benefits
16 replies
Posted by Ribicon 9/7/2021 6:38:14 PM Post Reply
Texas Republican Senator told more than 7 million Americans whose federal COVID unemployment benefits expired on Monday to 'get a job' that night, predictably provoking outraged responses from across the internet. The conservative lawmaker shared an Associated Press article on the unemployment stipend drying up on Twitter late Monday night. It was headlined 'Jobless Americans have few options as benefits expire.' 'Um, get a job?' Cruz wrote in an apparent answer to the outlet. 'There are millions of vacancies, and small businesses across the Nation are desperate for workers.' People on the social media site lashed out within hours. 'I wish someone would take yours,' wrote Daily Beast
Rand Paul says Fauci LIED to Congress
by insisting US never funded gain-of-function
research at Wuhan lab
after newly unearthed grant proposal
reveals how scientists studied
bat coronavirus with American money
8 replies
Posted by Ribicon 9/7/2021 6:30:16 PM Post Reply
Dr. Anthony Fauci has been accused of lying to Congress by claiming the US did not fund gain-of-function research after newly unearthed documents regarding the grant proposal a study at the Wuhan lab blamed for creating COVID were made public for the first time. The files were obtained by The Intercept as part of an FOI request to drill down the possible root of COVID and whether the US had any role in it.(Snip)Senator Rand Paul, who was widely mocked and dismissed for adopting the theory early on that COVID could have originated in the Wuhan lab and leaked from it, tweeted on Tuesday:
Biden gets hostile welcome in NJ touring
damage caused by Hurricane Ida
19 replies
Posted by Ribicon 9/7/2021 4:07:35 PM Post Reply
President Biden on Tuesday traveled to New York and New Jersey to tour areas struck by deadly flooding from Tropical Storm Ida, but he received a hostile welcome from some North Jersey residents who heckled him and flashed middle fingers.(Snip)But Biden’s trip also contained confusing moments—including when the president said that the word “tornado” was an antiquated term. “Looks like a tornado—they don’t call them that anymore—that hit the crops in, and wetlands in, the middle of the country—in Iowa and Nevada and I mean it’s just across the board,” Biden said during a listening session with officials. Biden’s emphasis was on blaming climate change
Joe's charm gets blown off course: New
Jersey locals heckle 'despicable'
Biden as he tours neighborhood
wrecked by Hurricane Ida floods -
after MAGA protesters greeted him
at airport
15 replies
Posted by Ribicon 9/7/2021 3:55:13 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden visited New York and New Jersey on Tuesday to view flood damage from Hurricane Ida that killed 52 in the Northeast–and had to endure angry hecklers as he sought to provide comfort to suffering families.(Snip)After landing at John F. Kennedy airport in Queens, Biden was met by jeers and profane signs from a group of angry Trump supporters as his motorcade rolled through New Jersey One red, white and blue flag said "[expletive] Biden' with a sub-heading that read: 'And [expletive] You for voting For Him.' A school-age boy at a protest along the route was photographed from the motorcade giving the president
So much for end-to-end encryption! Facebook
pay more than 1,000 workers
to READ WhatsApp messages that are
flagged as 'inappropriate' and
even share them with the DOJ
7 replies
Posted by Ribicon 9/7/2021 3:24:37 PM Post Reply
An investigation revealed that Facebook hired more than 1,000 workers to sift through millions of messages on WhatsApp, a global messaging subsidiary with about 2 billion users that has been praised by users for its data encryption network that supposedly kept texts private. When Facebook purchased the popular WhatsApp for $19 billion in 2014, both companies assured users that their data could not be accessed by either company, but reporters for ProPublica found that the claims were not true. In the report, ProPublica found that Facebook had hired contractors in Austin, Texas, Dublin, Ireland and Singapore to look at millions of pieces of users' content.
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Posted by NorthernDog 9/7/2021 9:34:12 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 9/7/2021 1:54:53 AM Post Reply
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Is COVID a Pandemic of the Unvaccinated?
Not Quite.
30 replies
Posted by Magnante 9/7/2021 3:11:27 AM Post Reply
Physicians spreading medical misinformation, particularly about COVID, “are risking disciplinary action by state medical boards” due to their “high degree of public trust” and their “powerful platform in society.” One could say this applies more so to the president of the United States, the CDC director, and to major newspapers and media organizations (snip) A popular catchphrase this past summer is that COVID is, “a pandemic among the unvaccinated.” (snip) By simply perusing the news, one can draw a far different conclusion, that we are instead seeing a “pandemic of the vaccinated.”
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Posted by Dreadnought 9/7/2021 12:43:45 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 9/7/2021 7:30:06 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 9/7/2021 1:01:31 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Ribicon 9/7/2021 1:58:13 PM Post Reply
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Posted by ladydawgfan 9/7/2021 12:10:10 AM Post Reply
Jeb Bush has returned to brighten your Labor Day weekend with a message: It’s time for Republicans to take “action” on climate change. Yes, with everything that’s going on right now, including the country being led off a cliff by Joe Biden, 2016’s low-energy candidate has his finger on the pulse. Inflation, American hostages in Afghanistan, the border crisis, etc. pale in comparison to the urgent need to tax carbon and spend more money we don’t have on useless green energy projects. But it’s not just the message that’s dumb. It’s also the presentation.
Biden Requests $6.4B in Taxpayer Money
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23 replies
Posted by Imright 9/7/2021 8:15:37 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden’s administration is asking Congress to authorize about $6.4 billion in American taxpayer money to bring 95,000 Afghans to the United States for permanent resettlement.In a call with reporters on Tuesday, administration officials said the White House would request Congress to authorize about $6.4 billion in funding to resettle tens of thousands of Afghans across the U.S.Pro-mass migration groups had asked Biden to authorize $8 billion in funds for Afghans.Roughly $1.7 billion of the funding will go toward “funding and resources to the Afghans to help them set up a new home in the U.S.,” NBC News reports.
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based on more vaccine mandates
and school policies
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Posted by Come And Take It 9/7/2021 8:23:18 PM Post Reply
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Mediocrity Reigns 21 replies
Posted by earlybird 9/7/2021 4:17:50 PM Post Reply
The Russian evolutionary anthropologist Peter Turchin coined the term “elite overproduction” to describe the condition of a society that is producing too many potential elite members.(snipHis choice of terms is a bit misleading, as his description of elite overproduction in America is better understood as an overproduction of people who see themselves as potential elites, despite being mediocrities.(snip)Turchin’s argument is aided by present reality. Jake Sullivan is the United States National Security Advisor to President Joe Biden. He was the primary architect of the plan to leave Afghanistan. A quick look at his résumé shows that he is laughably unqualified for the position. He is an overeducated idiot who is
Ex-FBI deputy chief: Law enforcement should
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Posted by Ribicon 9/7/2021 3:15:59 PM Post Reply
Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe is urging law enforcement to take an upcoming right-wing rally on Capitol Hill “very seriously” after rioters stormed the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6. “I think they should take it very seriously. In fact, they should take it more seriously than they took the same sort of intelligence that they likely saw on January 5,” Mr. McCabe, now a CNN contributor, told the cable news outlet late Monday. The “Justice for J6” rally is scheduled for Sept. 18, a Saturday when lawmakers likely will be out of town.(Snip)The new rally is designed to show support for rioters jailed in connection
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