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Former British Marine trying to evacuate
over 100 Afghan pets at Kabul shelter

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Posted By: Imright, 8/25/2021 6:02:31 AM

A former British Royal Marine and founder of a sanctuary for stray animals in Afghanistan is desperately trying to fly out over 100 animals and dozens of workers before next week’s evacuation deadline, a report said.Paul “Pen” Farthing, 57, said supporters of his organization, Nowzad, have raised enough money to pay for a cargo plane out of Kabul — but British officials said there are “thousands and thousands” of people who need to be prioritized first.All of the animals — 94 dogs and 79 cats — have been moved the charity’s three locations in the war-torn country to its headquarters in Kabul

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Reply 1 - Posted by: MissGrits 8/25/2021 6:11:37 AM (No. 891734)
Oh please ... I am an animal lover, but there are more pressing issues in Afghanistan than this!
41 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: GO3 8/25/2021 6:44:17 AM (No. 891757)
And this type of silliness is why there are thousands of Westerners in poop holes like Afghanistan. The US military occupies a place and the do-gooders flood in. Happened in Iraq, too. Why these people are allowed into a war zone is beyond me. No wonder we lose. We can’t or won’t even control our own occupied zone.
25 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: msjena 8/25/2021 7:31:15 AM (No. 891801)
It's not a zero sum game. I support the effort to evacuate these helpless animals.
51 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: janjan 8/25/2021 7:52:31 AM (No. 891827)
I would rather bring in a plane load of dogs than a pile of unvetted Afghanis that are taking American seats.
74 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: walcb 8/25/2021 7:53:36 AM (No. 891831)
Not stated is if these were American pets and if they were under direct threat of execution.
12 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: udanja99 8/25/2021 8:19:14 AM (No. 891859)
I thought that Muslims ate their “pets”. If I could I would give #4 a million likes.
25 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: felixcat 8/25/2021 8:51:28 AM (No. 891894)
Yeah, do gooders like the Foreign Agricultural Service (part of the Dept of Agriculture) specialists who either volunteered or were sent to Afghanistan and other crapholes to help teach the locals better farming techniques, etc and are stuck out in the boonies - hundreds of miles away from Kabul. Or the do gooders who volunteered to go to Afghanistan and help local women and girls learn some skills assuming that we and the Afghan elite wouldn't abandon the country. We allow them in so we have an obligation to get them out - and their animals, too.
12 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: edgar 8/25/2021 8:52:37 AM (No. 891896)
I guess the White House, State Department and other democrats are really PO'ed about this.
3 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Venturer 8/25/2021 8:54:25 AM (No. 891899)
Taking the food from Muslim mouths.
8 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: TLCary 8/25/2021 9:03:13 AM (No. 891916)
#7 "Thank you, such virtuous Americans, for coming here to show us how stupid we are and how superior and advanced you are. Tell us, should we use 15/15/15 or 30/30/30 fertilizer on the poppy fields?" VIRTUE SIGNAL: RECEIVED!
5 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: bigfatslob 8/25/2021 9:09:39 AM (No. 891924)
Great idea British take their food supply away. An army moves on it's stomach remember that. On the bright side Afghanis pets won't learn to fly planes into buildings but some of the young unvetted Afghan males can. Moving the terrorist closer to their work is so brilliant.
16 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: GO3 8/25/2021 9:21:04 AM (No. 891940)
We transplant DC functionaries and other assorted NGOs even before we have a military victory thereby placing them at great risk and patting ourselves on the back for how enlightened we are. No matter how well intentioned it is, it’s substituting government civilian or private “nice” projects for combat power. Hasn’t worked and will never work.
6 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: NamVet70 8/25/2021 9:22:45 AM (No. 891942)
Given the choice, I think liberating people is much more important than liberating pets. If this person is putting his life at risk to save animals, I think he is a viable candidate for the Darwin awards.
10 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: red1066 8/25/2021 9:27:40 AM (No. 891949)
So kick out a few potential terrorists on one of those planes, and put the animals on. It will be a heck of a lot cheaper to house and feed them. Plus, it's a good chance none of those animals will try and kill infidels.
20 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: Zigrid 8/25/2021 9:47:27 AM (No. 891971)
Reasonable deadline is not so my suggestion is... on September 1st give the Taliban their own 9/11...bomb the crap out of them...and then maybe they'll back off and stop the raping of young girls...and based on the new's sources even dead about perverted pigs...not even biden is that perverted... hunter is...based on his laptop footage...
6 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: felixcat 8/25/2021 9:56:25 AM (No. 891991)
#10 - The FSA - that is YOUR government sending these people over. I'm not virtue signalling.
2 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: Log Cabin Preacher 8/25/2021 10:17:24 AM (No. 892015)
Since it looks like there are a bunch of heartless people who didn't read the article, Nowzad is an animal shelter run by a British marine, which also rehabilitates donkeys for Afghans to use to help them make money for their families. They raised money on their own and paid for a plane with no taxpayer help, but will put evacuees on with any empty seats they have at their own cost. If left behind, those animals will all be killed. I'm not sure why a British charity which helps animals who can't rescue themselves, is fully self-supported and taking evacuees for the British government at their own cost is garnering such hate from the Americans this morning. I am glad they are there serving and have contributed to their cause.
14 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: Jebediah 8/25/2021 10:28:19 AM (No. 892031)
If he and his backers are willing to pay for the animal evacuation they certainly should be allowed to do so, poster #1. Who are YOU to decide how he and they spend THEIR $?
13 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: TXknitter 8/25/2021 10:34:55 AM (No. 892039)
I have heard this guy before. Yes its nice what he is doing but as he has been in Afghanistan awhile, it was extremely STUPID for him not to have made evacuation plans after our election was stolen. However, he had been a mocker of Trump and like a good lefty, he probably never thought this could happen. As he felt such responsibility for so many dogs, he should have evakked them well before now. I love animals but to hear him filling a big plane full of dogs over children bothered me.
9 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: NotaBene 8/25/2021 10:53:37 AM (No. 892072)
Hussein Obama likes dog.
1 person likes this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: nekochan 8/25/2021 11:14:19 AM (No. 892114)
For many years (decades) I have liked most dogs better than I like most people.
12 people like this.

Reply 22 - Posted by: DVC 8/25/2021 12:04:28 PM (No. 892208)
Bless him. I hope he succeeds.
9 people like this.

Reply 23 - Posted by: FilAm 8/25/2021 2:21:15 PM (No. 892396)
Will the Taliban who man the checkpoints and areas around the airport let these animals thru?
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Reply 24 - Posted by: local500 8/25/2021 7:16:03 PM (No. 892783)
Human lives take over priority over animals. Period.
1 person likes this.

Reply 25 - Posted by: Jennie C. 8/25/2021 9:48:09 PM (No. 892944)
I agree with #1. I love pets, but get the people out!!
1 person likes this.

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Posted by Imright 8/29/2021 4:32:21 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 8/29/2021 4:30:01 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 8/28/2021 11:56:13 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 8/28/2021 11:16:40 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 8/28/2021 9:48:30 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 8/28/2021 2:40:55 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 8/28/2021 5:09:56 AM Post Reply
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Biden in the 'loneliest job,' a presidency
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37 replies
Posted by NorthernDog 8/28/2021 11:21:01 AM Post Reply
WASHINGTON — It’s called the loneliest job in the world for a reason. Surrounded by everything a superpower can offer and watched by all, President Joe Biden wore the weight of a lonely man as he came to grips in recent days with the deadly end of the American effort in Afghanistan and tried to keep the focus on what, to him, is the bottom line. (Snip) Biden found himself in a real-time crisis that overrides the platitudes he offered when running for the office and in the early months of his presidency. “America is back," he likes to say.
Biden should have gone to Dover 35 replies
Posted by earlybird 8/28/2021 7:12:22 PM Post Reply
A nation horrified by its first surrender in its nearly 250-year history was further humiliated when Biden refused to go to Dover Air Force Base to pay his respects to the 13 Marines who arrived by casket. (snip) As commander-in-chief, Biden is responsible for those deaths. His poor judgment killed those Marines. He owed it to them to own up to this. He owed it to the families to share their grief. And yes, out of 13 families, I expect someone could make a scene. I expect someone would lash out at him. I expect that someone would make Biden feel very, very bad. But that is part of the job.
From a doctor bewildered at where all
this COVID stuff is going
34 replies
Posted by Magnante 8/28/2021 3:32:45 AM Post Reply
Until recently, the practice of medicine was based more on science, less on science fiction. (snip) evidence today has taken a back seat to wishful thinking — or is it an agenda? (snip) This science fiction story begins with the 2019 "virus" and 2020 "vaccine." A selection of the story's chapters include a virus of which the CDC claimed not to possess a reference sample. A vaccine that did not fit the definition of a vaccine. Approval of a vaccine for which the studies had not reached clinically important endpoints.
Biden's Pentagon Won't Tell Anyone Who
Was Killed In That Drone Strike
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27 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 8/28/2021 3:21:49 PM Post Reply
ere’s the latest word from the most transparent administration ever: Simple question: Why? At this point, the Pentagon is best known for publicly downplaying the threat the Taliban posed for taking over all of Afghanistan, and for greenlighting closing its largest operational base in Central Asia. It’s still purging competent minds but retaining and encouraging its woke drones. Gen. Mark Milley, the 21st-century version of Gen. Custer, still has a job. Biden has lied, or remains unaware, about the fact that our allies are livid at him and questioning whether working with the United States is in their interests anymore.
Who will take the fall for Afghanistan? 25 replies
Posted by Magnante 8/28/2021 3:12:23 AM Post Reply
One of the Marine Corps principles of leadership is to accept responsibility for your actions. (snip) If you think anyone will be held to account over this utter Afghan debacle, consider this: In 1999, Amendment #388 to the Defense appropriations bill passed the U.S. Senate (described on page S5891 of the Congressional Record — Senate for May 25, 1999). The purpose of this amendment was to posthumously restore the rank and promote both Admiral Husband Kimmel and General Walter Short, the top Navy and Army Commanders at Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941.
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state prepares for 140MPH Category
4 storm to hit on Sunday
24 replies
Posted by Imright 8/28/2021 6:18:37 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden urged Louisiana residents to 'pay attention and be prepared' today as Hurricane Ida approaches the US Gulf Coast - Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards said today that the storm will be 'one of the strongest hurricanes to hit anywhere in Louisiana since at least the 1850s.'The impending hurricane, currently at a Category 2, could reach a Category 4 designation on the Saffir-Simpson scale by the time it makes landfall Sunday afternoon or evening - the 16th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina - generating winds up to 140MPH and submerging a mass of Louisiana shoreline under several feet of rainfall. Biden implored local authorities
Anti-vaxx police officer who had been
taking horse worm medicine dies from Covid
23 replies
Posted by Ribicon 8/28/2021 9:23:03 PM Post Reply
A police officer who frequently voiced anti-vaccine sentiments and took horse dewormer in a misguided attempt to stave off the coronavirus has died from Covid-19. Captain Joe Manning, 57, of the Wayne County Sheriff's Office in Georgia died on Wednesday due to complications from Covid-19, according to local broadcaster WSAV. Capt Manning was described as an "integral part" of the area's law enforcement community by Wayne County Sheriff Chuck Moseley. After his death was announced, Facebook posts in which he voiced anti-vaccine sentiments and promoted the Ivermectin animal dewormer were shared online.
Chelsea Clinton breaks cover in the Hamptons
ahead of ‘Impeachment’
23 replies
Posted by Imright 8/28/2021 2:35:03 PM Post Reply
Chelsea Clinton was spotted getting in a little exercise Thursday as she went for a jog in the Hamptons.The 41-year-old daughter of former President Bill Clinton and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton got her blood pumping while out for a solo run, wearing bike shorts and Brooks running shoes as well as a shirt from Hill Country Barbecue Market, a restaurant near her Manhattan residence. (Photo)Chelsea has kept a relatively low profile throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.Her rare outing came less than two weeks before the premiere of “Impeachment: American Crime Story,”
GOP Rep. Ellzey, former Naval aviator,
wants to know 'who's behind the
curtain' at White House
21 replies
Posted by NorthernDog 8/28/2021 8:43:29 AM Post Reply
Rep. Jake Ellzey, R-Texas, who deployed to Afghanistan three times as a Navy fighter pilot, told Fox News in an exclusive interview he wants to know "who’s behind the curtain" after President Biden said during a Thursday press conference that he had been "instructed" to call on certain reporters. "Ladies and gentlemen, they gave me a list here. The first person I was instructed to call on was Kelly O'Donnell from NBC," said Biden, following his remarks on the ISIS-K attack that killed at least 13 American service members outside the Hamid Karzai international airport in Kabul. Ellzey acknowledged that
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