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‘Optics appalling’: Harris mocked
for lack of self-awareness after
posting Asian trip photo

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Posted By: Imright, 8/22/2021 9:27:06 AM

A photo Vice President Kamala Harris posted of her departing late Friday night for Asia is once again earning her derision and mocking online for its “lack of self-awareness” given the timing of her trip and the still-chaotic situation in Afghanistan.Harris landed Sunday in the city-state of Singapore, located on the southern tip of Malaysia, on the first leg of a trip that will include a stopover in Vietnam. The purpose of the trip, according to reports, is to convey to both countries the Biden administration’s views regarding China’s rising influence and power in the region.After departing Friday night, Harris landed for refueling stops aboard Air Force Two

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Reply 1 - Posted by: broken01 8/22/2021 9:29:58 AM (No. 888313)
This is the person who is one heartbeat or in Slow Joe Biden’s case brain lock away from being the leader of the free world? Heaven help us all.
24 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: bighambone 8/22/2021 9:41:39 AM (No. 888330)
Harris should be headed to Kabul, Afghanistan to take charge on the ground of the current fiasco and formulate a grand plan to get trapped Americans and other eligible people out of Afghanistan. Why is she going to Saigon as that past fiasco came to an end over 50 years ago? Or Singapore that is a place that historically oriented towards the British?
23 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Connor 8/22/2021 9:54:18 AM (No. 888342)
Two cowards in the White House. She fled the scene rather than staying in place and dealing with the mess in Afghanistan.
32 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Italiano 8/22/2021 10:10:13 AM (No. 888373)
Horrible optics for this disgusting creature. Which is probably what the Administration intended by sending her.
18 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: lynngirl122 8/22/2021 10:17:33 AM (No. 888385)
And I thought Hilary was bad.
20 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: MickTurn 8/22/2021 10:18:23 AM (No. 888386)
It looks like Camel Toe is practicing the Xiden method...Runnin' and Hiden'.
15 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: edgar 8/22/2021 10:20:30 AM (No. 888393)
I am no fan, but if she wanted to be POTUS this was her chance to step forward and be a leader in the total void known as Joe Biden. Kamala has proven she cannot cut the Mustard, either. God help us.
28 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: pearlyjo 8/22/2021 10:55:04 AM (No. 888448)
Odd hand movements as she tells us her highest priority is getting Americans safely out of Afghanistan. I’m no body language expert but it seemed like she was pushing the matter away from her. Odd that she tells us of this high priority situation in the Middle East from a tarmac in Vietnam.
18 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Venturer 8/22/2021 11:08:21 AM (No. 888462)
Refusing to take charge on the border and running to Singapore when the SHTF in Afghanistan
14 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: bighambone 8/22/2021 11:18:34 AM (No. 888474)
Maybe Harris is just stopping in Singapore to buy a couple of designer burkas and then will head over to Kabul? Wishful thinking?????
10 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: Dodge Boy 8/22/2021 11:49:03 AM (No. 888525)
This is the perfect time to reinforce Kamalie's responsibility for the Great Afghanistan Surrender of 2021. It is she, as the last person in the room, who gave her expression of support to biden the cheater to proceed with the unconditional surrender. They both own this disaster and the global fallout that will follow. They are both responsible for the carnage that is happening now and in the future. They both own the beheadings, shootings, dismemberings, burning alive, mutilations, rapes, torture, and sex-trafficking that now define the new islamic emirates of Afghanistan.
14 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: bigfatslob 8/22/2021 11:52:57 AM (No. 888531)
The blanket hair lizard neck cackling idiot, Harris, heard there was an airlift going on so she heads to Saigon. Wrong place you idiot and staffers it's Kabul you should be visiting you cardboard dummy. I liked the comment at the photo from tic tok of her laughing for nothing, optics baby. This goes on while Chuck Schumer dances in Central Park to rap noise looking like an old geezer acting hip, optics people.
14 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: Dodge Boy 8/22/2021 11:53:15 AM (No. 888532)
One more thing. During her shopping trip, she will not be able to convince anyone she meets with that they can expect the full military support of the United States government. This is gone.
10 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: earlybird 8/22/2021 12:31:09 PM (No. 888577)
Dumb as a post. She’s in Singapore telling them what to expect from Biden re the China threat? Seriously? They are far from stupid. They just take one look at Afghanistan and they know.
10 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: rocket-j-squirrel 8/22/2021 12:40:04 PM (No. 888590)
Barky had his Apology Tour after being elected, this skank has a "You're On Your Own Tour".
5 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: bpl40 8/22/2021 2:19:04 PM (No. 888668)
Kamala makes Hillary look warm and cuddly. And Hillary makes a rattlesnake look warm and cuddly.
8 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: EQKimball 8/22/2021 2:20:21 PM (No. 888671)
She is the only vice president I can remember having been photographed waiving from the top of the stairway when exiting AF 2. It is reminiscent of immature college tailbacks who have struck a "Heisman pose" in the end zone. The plan is to have her as far away as possible. with the "fit hits the shan," but her pose says it all. She is ready to receive her Heisman.
6 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: Come And Take It 8/22/2021 2:23:45 PM (No. 888672)
Kamal Toe in Vietnam: "Me so horny, me sooooo horny. Me love you long time".
3 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: Vaquero45 8/22/2021 3:59:15 PM (No. 888780)
Que Mala is toast, as is her boss Josef Stolen. They just don’t know it yet.
1 person likes this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: enemyofthestate 8/22/2021 5:19:56 PM (No. 888871)
That photo is bad optics, all right. It shows a pig in a pantsuit.
0 people like this.

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Posted by Imright 8/23/2021 7:20:40 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 8/23/2021 11:54:54 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 8/23/2021 11:46:53 AM Post Reply
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17 replies
Posted by Imright 8/23/2021 11:41:15 AM Post Reply
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'There will be consequences': Taliban
hits back at Biden and warns US to
get out by August 31 or 'provoke
a reaction' after President said
American forces could stay beyond
withdrawal deadline to complete evacuation
9 replies
Posted by Imright 8/23/2021 11:38:09 AM Post Reply
The Taliban has delivered a chilling warning to foreign nationals and Afghans scrambling to leave the country, saying there will be 'consequences' if the US does not leave Afghanistan by August 31 and extends a deadline for the withdrawal of troops. Thousands of Afghans who worked with U.S. military forces remain camped around Kabul airport trying to find safety as the clock ticks down. American nationals are also waiting for their own flights home. President Joe Biden wants all Americans to be out by the end of the month, in order to meet the troop withdrawal agreement reached with the Taliban,
Nancy Pelosi will probably bow to far
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5 replies
Posted by Imright 8/23/2021 11:36:10 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 8/23/2021 8:08:52 AM Post Reply
Almost everything Joe Biden has touched since entering office has turned to dross. None of his blame-gaming, none of his distortions, none of his fantasies and unreality can mask that truth. The Afghan Catastrophe - Seven months ago, Afghanistan was relatively quiet—with about 10,000 vestigial NATO troops, including 2,500 Americans, anchored by the Bagram Airfield. They were able to provide air superiority for the coalition and Afghan national army. With air power, NATO forces, if and when they so wished, could have very slowly and gradually withdrawn all its remnant troops—but only after a prior departure of all American and European civilians, coalition contractors, and allied Afghans.
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Posted by Imright 8/23/2021 8:06:20 AM Post Reply
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Posted by NorthernDog 8/22/2021 2:29:36 PM Post Reply
Rep. Adam Kinzinger slammed the former Trump administration's deal with the Taliban, saying on Sunday that it set the stage for the current failure in Afghanistan. The Illinois Republican said former President Donald Trump and his then-Secretary of State Mike Pompeo are at fault for America's "disastrous" withdrawal from the country. "Donald Trump was publicly saying, 'We have to get out of Afghanistan at all costs. It's not worth it.' Mike Pompeo meets with the Taliban and tries to 'negotiate' something," Kinzinger said during an appearance on CNN. "They ended up getting rolled almost as bad as Neville Chamberlain," he
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Posted by Ribicon 8/23/2021 11:59:53 AM Post Reply
A retired top US military general and former CIA chief sparked outrage over the weekend by comparing supporters of former President Donald Trump to the Taliban and calling a suggestion to send 'the MAGA wearing unvaxxed' to Afghanistan a 'good idea.' Retired four-star Air Force General Michael Hayden on Thursday retweeted a split image of armed militants in a caravan of white pickup trucks with the caption 'Their Taliban.' Under that was a picture of cars adorned with Trump 2020 and American flags along a highway. (Snip)He was first appointed by President Bill Clinton to serve as Director of the National Security Agency.
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Posted by jeffinitely 8/22/2021 11:06:17 AM Post Reply
“When can we go back to Starbucks?” My brother, Anmol, asks me that question every time I’m home for a visit. ...unvaccinated Americans need to get their shots. The sooner they do, the sooner I can take Anmol to Starbucks. America, please help me fulfill his simple wish. It’s our tradition.
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Posted by Imright 8/22/2021 6:26:10 PM Post Reply
Secretary of State Antony Blinken didn't deny on Sunday that the U.S. has to ask the Taliban for permission to get Americans out of Afghanistan as the developing situation in Kabul continues to present obstacles for evacuations.'Someone in our audience might listen to you, Mr. Secretary, and say, 'Oh, so we have to ask the Taliban for permission for American citizens to leave.' True or not true?' CBS News' Face the Nation fill in host Major Garrett asked Blinken of the 'agreement' between the Islamic militant group and Washington.'They are in control of Kabul. That is the reality,' Blinken responded
CBS Poll: Majority of Americans No Longer
Believe Biden Is Competent, Admit
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36 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 8/23/2021 1:23:12 AM Post Reply
The majority of Americans no longer believe President Joe Biden is competent in his role as the Commander-in-Chief, according to a CBS News poll. Fifty-one percent of the respondents said Biden is not competent in his position as president. This is compared to only 49 percent who said he is. Additionally, the poll found that 52 percent of the respondents did not feel the president has been focused. The poll was taken during and after the fall of the now-Taliban-controlled Kabul, Afghanistan, when Biden botched the U.S. troops’ withdrawal from the country. With that, 53 percent of the respondents said they disagree with the way Biden withdrew the troops.
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Posted by Ribicon 8/22/2021 7:47:58 PM Post Reply
Texas gubernatorial candidate Allen West's wife has been arrested for allegedly driving under the influence on Friday night. West is said to be 'beyond livid' with the Dallas Police Department for the arrest which he insists was wrongful and that his wife was sober at the time. Angela Graham-West, 61, was driving home from dinner at P.F. Changs with her three-month-old grandson, Jaxton, when she was pulled over for a traffic violation at around 8.45p.m. Friday night in Dallas County, leading to an officer to suspect that she was intoxicated before performing a field sobriety test on her.(Snip)On Sunday, West posted a photo
Liz Cheney says Americans ‘probably
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33 replies
Posted by Ribicon 8/22/2021 7:12:16 PM Post Reply
Rep. Liz Cheney said President Biden should have ignored his predecessor’s negotiated May 1 withdrawal deadline with the Taliban and disregarded the advice of military leaders—decisions she claimed has led to Americans “probably being held hostage” in war-torn Afghanistan. “President Biden is the president of the United States and he’s had no problem in reversing course on other things. He decided he’s going to rejoin the JCPOA. He decided he’s going to rejoin the Paris Climate Accord. He’s reversed a number of decisions of the Trump administration,” Cheney (R-Wyo.) said in an interview on NBC News’ “Meet the Press,” referring to the formal name of the Iran
Biden celebrates moment 'millions have
been waiting for' with the FDA's
approval of the Pfizer vaccine -
but walks out WITHOUT taking questions
as Afghanistan debacle rages on
32 replies
Posted by Ribicon 8/23/2021 3:31:20 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden hailed the FDA's approval of the Pfizer vaccine as the 'moment you’ve all been waiting'–as he urged Americans who have been sitting on the fence to get their vaccine shots 'today' but dodged comment on Afghanistan. It was a welcome moment of good news for an administration battered by weeks of negative headlines, from spiking cases of COVID-19 to the collapse of the Afghan government and plunging poll numbers. And Biden, speaking at the White House, portrayed it as a huge victory even though it will be of limited practical value months after the vaccination received emergency approval.
U.S. Capitol officer cleared in fatal
shooting of Ashli Babbitt on Jan. 6
32 replies
Posted by Dodge Boy 8/23/2021 2:40:29 PM Post Reply
The U.S. Capitol Police officer who fatally shot Ashli Babbitt on Jan. 6 during the insurrection was cleared Monday after an internal review concluded the action may have spared the lives of lawmakers and staffers who had barricaded themselves inside the building. "The officer’s actions were consistent with the officer’s training and (U.S. Capitol Police) policies," the agency's inquiry found. The agency declined to identify the officer. Federal prosecutors decided in April not to pursue criminal charges in the case. Some who supported the Capitol siege by rioters angry about the outcome of the presidential election cast Babbitt as a martyr to the conservative cause.
Terry McAuliffe calls for vaccine mandate
to ‘make life difficult’
for unvaccinated
32 replies
Posted by Come And Take It 8/23/2021 2:27:41 PM Post Reply
Democratic nominee for Virginia governor Terry McAuliffe on Monday called on all employers in his state to mandate COVID-19 vaccinations following the Food and Drug Administration’s full approval of the Pfizer vaccine. "Today, I am calling on every Virginia employer to require all eligible employees to be vaccinated against COVID-19," the former Virginia governor said in a statement Monday afternoon. "I have long said that the best way to defeat this deadly virus, keep our students in school and keep Virginia’s economy strong is by getting every eligible Virginian vaccinated as quickly as possible."
Nancy Pelosi Hosts “Super Spreader”
Event In Napa For Maskless Old
White Liberals While Their Ethnic,
Masked Staff Wait On Them Hand
And Foot
32 replies
Posted by Black Conservative Voice 8/22/2021 4:09:33 PM Post Reply
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) was seen without her mask over the weekend at a Democrat Party fundraiser event full of unmasked attendees. The event was hosted by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) in Napa, California, where Pelosi was seen delivering remarks unmasked. The event was exclusively for old white liberals at a super spreader event while their ethnic, masked staff wait on them hand and foot.
Andrew Cuomo reportedly leaves his dog
behind at Albany mansion
31 replies
Posted by Ribicon 8/23/2021 12:33:33 PM Post Reply
As disgraced outgoing Gov. Andrew Cuomo packed his bags and sent his belongings to his sister’s house in his last days in office, he left something very important behind—his dog. Instead, Cuomo asked staff at his Albany mansion if they want to take care of his dog, Captain, the Albany Times Union reported, citing two state police sources. The sources also told the publication an Executive Mansion worker recently took Captain home but didn’t want to take care of the canine. The pooch—a 3½-year-old Siberian-shepherd-Malamute mix—has bitten multiple people in recent years, the Times Union reported.
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