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Capitol, symbol of democracy, off-limits on
Independence Day

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Posted By: Imright, 7/3/2021 11:51:38 PM

WASHINGTON— As it has been for nearly 16 months, longer than any time in the nation’s history, the U.S. Capitol is closed to most public visitors.The one-two punch of the coronavirus pandemic that shuttered the Capitol’s doors in the spring of 2020 and the deadly insurrection by then-President Donald Trump’s supporters on Jan. 6 has left the icon of American democracy unopen to all but a select few.As the rest of the nation emerges this July Fourth holiday from the pandemic for cookouts and fireworks that President Joe Biden is encouraging from the White House, the people’s house faces new threats of violence, virus variants and a more difficult moment.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: MFM 7/3/2021 11:59:36 PM (No. 835232)
I would never ever think to visit DC, it is the seat of satan..its is puke..
20 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Laotzu 7/4/2021 12:13:06 AM (No. 835237)
"Deadly insurrection . . . ." Do you think they call the Andrew Gillum dead male hooker incident a "deadly gay orgy"?
24 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: zephyrgirl 7/4/2021 12:13:09 AM (No. 835238)
The only person who died in the "deadly insurrection by then-President Trump's supporters" was shot by a capital police officer. I would hardly call that an "insurrection."
36 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Dodge Boy 7/4/2021 12:13:47 AM (No. 835239)
Oh, it's another hit piece by the AssPress. Not a word about the antifa/blm thugs who championed the break-in. Not a word about Michael Leroy Byrd murdering Ashli Babbitt. Don't waste your time reading this garbage. Mascaro, you disgust.
29 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: J. Arthur Brown 7/4/2021 12:24:50 AM (No. 835247)
Clearly this isn't the "People's House," it's "Nancy's House." I suspect that Republicans as well as Democrats are happy to exclude we riff raff so they can concentrate on lobbyists and big donors.
22 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: a man way over thirty 7/4/2021 12:26:27 AM (No. 835249)
AP is the new Izvestia or Tass. Or as I call it, the AssPress.
21 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: ldb51 7/4/2021 1:07:27 AM (No. 835264)
I respectfully point out that #5 missed the opportunity to further note a plain fact: the ACTUAL "riff - raff" is conducting a manufactured and unconstitutional seizure and OCCUPATION within the barbed-wire encampment that is the US capital at present. The rest of us are obliged, as American citizens, to make this unmistakably clear at every opportunity. Don't expect the media to sympathize, or even to have a clue about whose benefit they are serving. Their "facts" are as flexible as their morality. They believe their own bubble-reputations, and suffer from some kind of herd dissociative disorder that convinces them they will be immune from the whirlwind they are raising.
15 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: Annie Xango 7/4/2021 1:09:21 AM (No. 835266)
so where do they film the Capitol 4th gala...was it taped weeks or months ago..sort of confused re that.
6 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: web 7/4/2021 1:33:37 AM (No. 835274)
Since we don't have a democracy, the Capitol is not the symbol of democracy. Perhaps we could say it is a symbol for our Republic. January 6 was not an insurrection, and it was not deadly... except to Ashli Babbit. If it was "the people's house" they would not have been arrested for merely walking through it. How can a so-called media outlet get everything wrong in the first paragraph?
20 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: JL80863 7/4/2021 1:50:14 AM (No. 835281)
It is a special building for members of the Capitol Hill insider Stock Trading Club. Others are allowed to look at it from a distance.
21 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: JonR 7/4/2021 2:30:43 AM (No. 835291)
“Deadly insurrection” The Associated Press is nothing but a propaganda tool for the democrat party! I absolutely despise and abhor the mainstream media! By the way, remember that the only death directly attributed to the break-in on January 6th was from an unnamed black cop who murdered an unarmed while woman in cold blood!
16 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: Trigger2 7/4/2021 3:08:17 AM (No. 835297)
I see Nancy is till ruling the capital. When does she plan to let it go? When the cows come home?
4 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: DogFacedPonySoldier 7/4/2021 4:25:55 AM (No. 835307)
The "deadly insurrection" that wasn't !
9 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: mifla 7/4/2021 5:36:29 AM (No. 835313)
Don't worry Nancy, only the good die young.
7 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: 3XALADY 7/4/2021 8:11:41 AM (No. 835389)
Listen to this to see what is going on in the Capitol. It is an hour+ and difficult to hear the guest but there is some good information. A poster said the Capitol is Nancy's. The guy affirms that and names other names.
3 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: downnout 7/4/2021 8:27:24 AM (No. 835403)
Utterly disgraceful.
4 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: Lawsy0 7/4/2021 9:14:36 AM (No. 835474)
Nancy Pelosi owns the property now. Perhaps she'll move her vast ice cream chest to the Rotunda She won't last forever, and remember the Liberty Bell was also cracked.
2 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: bigfatslob 7/4/2021 9:23:12 AM (No. 835485)
Stopped at "deadly insurrection by Trump supporters". The AP is garbage.
5 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: BarryNo 7/4/2021 9:30:26 AM (No. 835492)
The People's property is under occupation. The so called elected officials are staging an insurrection - a rebellion. They have already committed multiple cases of fraud to obtain their offices and power. When will we be rid of these criminals?
3 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: LC Chihuahua 7/4/2021 9:38:59 AM (No. 835507)
This alone is reason to send everyone in Washington packing. Washington belongs to its citizens, not a bunch of 'privileged governing elites'. This isn't about safety. They are distancing themselves from the populace so they can do anything they want, and not have to deal with any protests. They are treating us like peons and peasants. Where are the Republicans? They should be demanding the capitol be reopened daily. Nobody is discussing this. What are the odds if any leftist groups or leftist causes petitioned for a rally in DC, they would get it. This is all BS.
4 people like this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: red1066 7/4/2021 10:10:04 AM (No. 835532)
Seeing the Capitol building from the outside is good enough. If you really want to see what created our representative republic, go to the National Archive and see the founding documents.
3 people like this.

Reply 22 - Posted by: Debrawr 7/4/2021 11:04:49 AM (No. 835587)
"Deadly insurrection"? Other than Ashli Babbitt, how was it deadly...or an insurrection?
3 people like this.

Reply 23 - Posted by: LadyVet 7/4/2021 1:25:18 PM (No. 835712)
Article mentions two capitol policemen who comitted suicide in the days after Jan 6. The fact that the Dems and press keep including these unfortunate deaths in the Jan 6 "death toll," makes me question whether this was two cases of Arkancide. (McAfee did not kill himself.)
3 people like this.

Reply 24 - Posted by: anniebc 7/4/2021 7:54:52 PM (No. 835958)
Protection of lawmakers is dated; it needs to be cancelled now!
1 person likes this.

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Posted by Imright 7/4/2021 9:58:08 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 7/4/2021 9:28:54 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 7/4/2021 8:52:20 PM Post Reply
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5 replies
Posted by Imright 7/4/2021 8:34:33 PM Post Reply
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Trump Protesters on Jan. 6, Hurled Flash
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Wray, Democrats, Media and DC Police
Refuse to Release the Evidence
5 replies
Posted by Imright 7/4/2021 8:26:54 PM Post Reply
On Jan. 6 Capitol Police started firing flash grenades and rubber bullets at peaceful protesters with US and MAGA flags.From the video you can see the protesters are NOT on the Capitol steps and were behind barriers.There were children, veterans and seniors in the crowd.The protesters were packed tightly together and the Capitol Police started firing on them. Last month a reader sent The Gateway Pundit a second video of the Capitol Police firing on the Jan. 6 crowd of men, women, children and seniors.
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2 replies
Posted by Imright 7/4/2021 8:18:02 PM Post Reply
White House press secretary Jen Psaki was called out by a reporter after she claimed during a press briefing on Friday that she does not respond to “anonymous reports or anonymous sources.”Bloomberg News’ senior White House correspondent, Jennifer Jacobs, took to Twitter to accuse the press secretary of being hypocritical while going on to claim that Psaki’s staff “regularly organizes anonymous briefings on topics in the news.” (Tweet/Video) Jacobs was responding to a statement made by Psaki to Fox News’ White House correspondent, Peter Doocy, in which he asked whether the administration was concerned about recent reports claiming there is an “abusive environment” within Vice President Kamala Harris’ office.
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and reveal how she used to think July 4
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9 replies
Posted by Imright 7/4/2021 8:04:07 PM Post Reply
Barack Obama sent birthday wishes to his eldest daughter Malia on Sunday as she turned 23 - as he revealed how she used to think the July 4 fireworks were all for her.The former president, 59, tweeted: 'Happy Fourth of July, and Happy Birthday, Malia! It's been such a joy to watch you begin to make your own way in the world with poise, grace, and humor. I miss the days when you thought the fireworks were for you.'Malia's mom Michelle Obama also paid tribute on Twitter, sharing a rare childhood photo. 'Happy Fourth of July, everybody—and also, happy 23rd birthday to our dear Malia!
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Posted by Imright 7/4/2021 7:16:13 PM Post Reply
When Jeff Bezos steps down Monday as Amazon’s CEO at age 57, he will carry with him an estimated $197 billion — a staggering fortune that is 739,489 times the median net worth of an American at age 65.That median net worth is $266,400, Business Insider reported, citing data from the Federal Reserve.Amazon announced in February that Bezos would step down this year and assume the mantle of executive chairman of the e-commerce giant’s board. He is expected to dedicate more time toward initiatives like the Bezos Earth Fund, his Blue Origin spaceship company, The Washington Post and the Amazon Day 1 Fund, CNBC reported.
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as Joey 'Jaws' Chestnut sets new world
record at Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest
at Coney Island by downing 76 franks in 10
minutes in front of 5,000 screaming fans
12 replies
Posted by Imright 7/4/2021 7:07:00 PM Post Reply
Chowdown champ Joey 'Jaws' Chestnut broke his own record to gulp to a 14th win in the men's Nathan's Famous Hot Dog Eating Contest on Sunday, while Michelle Lesco took the women's title. Chestnut downed 76 franks and buns in 10 minutes. That's one more than he did in setting the men's record last year, when the contest unfolded without fans because of the coronavirus pandemic. 'It just felt good,' Chestnut, of Westfield, Indiana, said in an ESPN interview after his win Sunday. 'Even if I was uncomfortable, having everybody cheer me and push me, it made me feel good.'
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Posted by OhioNick 7/3/2021 3:13:00 AM Post Reply
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Further evidence (if you need it)
of Biden’s increasing dementia
35 replies
Posted by Judy W. 7/4/2021 4:57:54 AM Post Reply
Those of Joe Biden’s public behaviors that align with classic dementia symptoms are escalating. In the past few days, he strongly exhibited two symptoms: A type of belligerence that’s a cover-up for confusion and memory loss and a paranoid fear of those in charge of him. I used to spend a lot of time in the company of doctors. What always fascinated me were the tales they told of dealing with patients with early-stage dementia. The most interesting point they made was that elderly people, so as not to lose face or admit their own fears, are superb at deflecting the questions aimed at assessing their cognitive skills and memory.
Now the Statue of Liberty is cancelled!
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Posted by Imright 7/4/2021 4:34:21 PM Post Reply
The Statue of Liberty is a 'meaningless symbol of hypocrisy' because of America's history of racism, sexism and anti-immigrant sentiment, according to the Washington Post's art and architecture critic.Philip Kennicott, a Pulitzer Prize winner, argued in an essay Saturday that the monument - which has stood for a century as one of the most iconic examples of American freedom - represented 'unfulfilled promises'.He added that the statue was irrelevant to non-white Americans, using as evidence the absence of representations of the statue when he visited a Chicano art exhibit at the Smithsonian American Art Museum in Washington.
Three insane catastrophes threatening
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32 replies
Posted by Imright 7/3/2021 10:38:35 PM Post Reply
America’s being hit on all sides this weekend.While the country celebrates the Fourth of July, three major catastrophes are threatening the nation on all coasts. While two of the catastrophes are “natural disasters” one is manmade and all could have disastrous repercussions. As Toby Keith writes in his new song, “Happy Birthday America (Whatever’s Left of You)”. The East CoastFlorida, which is still reeling from the Surfside condo collapse, is set to be hit by Tropical Storm Elsa on Sunday and Monday. It has already wreaked havoc in the Caribbean and is said to be gaining strength. Rescue teams for the Surfside complex have already been called off and the state
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Posted by Imright 7/3/2021 7:20:49 PM Post Reply
Actor Bill Pullman attempts to lift America’s soul and remind us who we really are in a rousing “Independence Day”-themed ad called “Go Fourth America,” reprising his famous speech from the alien-fighting, patriotic 1996 movie.Twenty-five years later, Pullman is once again behind the podium as President Thomas Whitmore from the movie “Independence Day” that also starred Jeff Goldblum and Will Smith. But this time, instead of fighting off aliens who want to eradicate humanity, Pullman is calling on America to get vaccinated and once again celebrate the 4th of July, holding cookouts and getting out of our homes to be together once more.
Decision to BAN Soul Cap swim caps
for natural black hair at the Olympics
because they do not 'follow the natural
form of the head' is slammed as racist
32 replies
Posted by Ribicon 7/3/2021 2:41:38 PM Post Reply
Swimming caps designed for natural black hair won't be allowed at the upcoming Tokyo Olympics, with the sport's world governing body saying they are unsuitable because they do not 'following the natural form of the head.' Critics have slammed the decision as racist, with one calling it an 'example of the whiteness of swimming.' The British brand Soul Cap sought to have its products officially recognized by FINA, but its application submitted last year was rejected. The company makes extra-large caps designed to protect thick, curly and voluminous hair.(Snip) The Switzerland-based governing body said Friday that it is currently reviewing the situation
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YouTube to insist they are peaceful - as
Mass. police sweep their vehicles and the
32 replies
Posted by Imright 7/3/2021 10:48:50 AM Post Reply
Massachusetts police have taken nine 'armed and dangerous' men into custody after they fled from police during a traffic stop overnight. A state trooper spotted the group - who claimed they were members of 'Rise of The Moors' at the side of the I-95 between Wakefield and Reading at 1.30 Saturday morning, and asked them for identification. The men, who were dressed in tactical-style gear and armed with both pistols and rifles, refused to comply with orders to drop their weapons and ran into woodland by the side of the road.
Maxine Waters Criticizes Declaration
of Independence on Fourth of July
30 replies
Posted by Imright 7/4/2021 4:51:50 PM Post Reply
House Financial Services Committee Chairwoman Maxine Waters (D-CA) criticized the Declaration of Independence in a tweet on July 4th, suggesting it is a racist document because it was written almost 250 years ago, when there was slavery in the United States.She tweeted Sunday: July 4th… & so, the Declaration of Independence says all men are created equal. Equal to what? What men? Only white men? Isn’t it something that they wrote this in 1776 when African Americans were enslaved? They weren’t thinking about us then, but we’re thinking about us now!
Vatican Indicts Cardinal And 9 Other
Suspects On Embezzlement, Fraud
30 replies
Posted by Imright 7/3/2021 6:30:07 PM Post Reply
A Vatican judge indicted a cardinal and 9 other suspects on charges of money laundering, fraud, and abuse of office Saturday, according to the Independent.The suspects are accused of withholding millions of euros from the Holy See and investing money that was donated to the pope for charity work, the Independent reported. Italian broker Gianluigi Torzi is accused of using 15 million euros that he withheld from the Vatican to invest in a London building in 2018. Former Holy See official Cardinal Angelo Becciu was indicted for helping organize the investment when he was the Secretariat of State’s chief of staff, according to Independent.
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