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In South Florida, developers
often demand exceptions to rules.
Champlain Towers got several

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Posted By: Ribicon, 7/1/2021 1:31:13 PM

According to his 2014 obituary, which shows him squinting and smiling, Nathan Reiber had just moved to South Florida and was retired for only a week when a building on Miami Beach’s Lincoln Road caught his eye. He bought it, launching his second career as a real estate mogul.(Snip)In Canada, he and his partners had been charged with tax evasion for, among other things, skimming cash from laundry businesses, the Washington Post reported. (Fifteen years later, he pleaded guilty and paid a $60,000 fine.) In Florida, Reiber started buying and selling existing multifamily buildings, often with partners from Canada, and developing his own from scratch.


Why would a city bother to enforce building codes when there's a fortune to be made on property taxes? When the problems reveal themselves, everyone involved will be long gone.

Post Reply

Reply 1 - Posted by: chance_232 7/1/2021 1:40:01 PM (No. 832660)
I didn't read the article word for word, but in skimming through it, I didn't see any variances that were in any way egregious or would have resulted in the building collapsing 40 years later.
3 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: bldrrepub 7/1/2021 2:02:23 PM (No. 832686)
You can get nailed for tax evasion in Canada just by bumming a cigarette (and not paying for it).
2 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: SkeezerMcGee 7/1/2021 2:02:58 PM (No. 832687)
I will not disable my ad blocker to read any article. Screw the Miami Herald.
2 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: NorthernDog 7/1/2021 2:27:20 PM (No. 832714)
FTAFailures on the order of magnitude like the Champlain collapse — [often] there’s no smoking gun, but a series of mistakes that just line up to create this perfect storm. I tend to agree with that statement. Lots of small warning flags - drainage issues, cracked concrete, questionable decisions by the governing board, developers given building exemptions, etc.. With all the high rise condos in the Miami area, you can probably find similar circumstances in dozens of more properties.
2 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: JHHolliday 7/1/2021 2:32:34 PM (No. 832722)
Some of us have posted this before but a book written in 1977 by John D. McDonald 'Condominium' is a great read. It features a shoddily built high-rise condo tower with an entertaining cast of villains...crooked real estate people, inspectors, politicians, and bribery. The story unfolds as a massive hurricane approaches...highly recommended.
4 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: planetgeo 7/1/2021 2:45:20 PM (No. 832751)
I happened to read this article word for word, and I'm glad I did. It restored my faith that somewhere out there real investigative journalists still exist. Factual. Deep background. Timelined archive records cited. Unvarnished comments by the principals involved. No hint of bias by the journalist, or even any evident personal position. Just the facts, Ma'am. Thank you. And as someone who has served on HOA boards, it rings true without any necessary criminality or culprit involved. Just strings of procedural delays, political permit maneuvering, intervening acts of nature, contentious debates, scarily expensive remedial engineering reports, and owner-deferred necessary actions. Perhaps someday the exact primary engineering reason will be found. But, as the article speculates this may be a case of a perfect storm of many contributing factors.
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Reply 7 - Posted by: DVC 7/1/2021 3:41:54 PM (No. 832825)
I commented about the Wild West real estate environment in Miami in the late '70s up thru the '80s. Here's more reporting on how they did it. You can bet that corners were cut. And shoddy or no maintenance since then, I'll wage.
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Reply 8 - Posted by: Videodrone 7/1/2021 4:27:39 PM (No. 832884)
There is a large condo tower in San Francisco that may suffer the same
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Reply 9 - Posted by: Rumblehog 7/1/2021 4:49:40 PM (No. 832919)
Miami is run by the mafia... everyone's on the take.
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Reply 10 - Posted by: joew9 7/1/2021 6:23:49 PM (No. 833022)
It's a democrat run county and city so all of government is for sale.
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Reply 11 - Posted by: oldsfc 7/1/2021 8:26:49 PM (No. 833105)
I was born and raised in south Dade County. I escaped after Hurricane Andrew. The first thing you have to understand is, corruption is an art form down there. Builders who's cousin is a building inspector are common. This was exsposed after Andrew. Some things never change. Another example of Dems in action....
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Reply 12 - Posted by: ColonialAmerican1623 7/1/2021 10:59:16 PM (No. 833206)
Next thing you know they will blame it on Meyer Lansky. Not since 9/11. As some one said early on "This doesn't happen in the US"
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Kirstie Alley blasts coming
culture of ‘pedophilia’
4 replies
Posted by Ribicon 7/2/2021 6:12:34 PM Post Reply
In a tweet that didn’t take long to gather massive social media steam, Kirstie Alley, Hollywood’s female braveheart—brave, ‘cause she’s openly conservative—wrote: “People are becoming so ‘open minded’ that” soon enough “they will support pedophilia” as simple shows of love to children. That ain’t hyperbole.That’s where the left indeed is headed. More from her tweet: “Down the road they will support pediphilia [sic] as people ‘just loving children.’(Snip)“Drag Queen Story Hour is just what it sounds like—drag queens reading stories to children in libraries, schools and bookstores,” the site states. “DQSH captures the imagination and play of the gender fluidity of childhood and gives kids
Marvel celebrates July 4 weekend
by having Captain America say
American dream 'isn’t real'
15 replies
Posted by Ribicon 7/2/2021 3:18:35 PM Post Reply
Marvel Comics is celebrating Independence Day by having the iconic hero Captain America tell readers that the American dream “isn’t real.” The first issue of “The United States of Captain America” by writer Christopher Cantwell sees Steve Rogers, the famous red, white and blue “Avenger,” lament the nation’s “white picket fence fallacy.”(Snip) The character then laments another marketed version of America that doesn’t really exist— one with “white picket fences.” Instead, the character discusses an America that “doesn’t get along nicely with reality. Other cultures. Immigrants. The poor.” “We’re at our best when we keep no one out,” the title character says at one point.
Claire McCaskill starting 'new
family tradition' of re-watching
Capitol riot footage every July 4
24 replies
Posted by Ribicon 7/2/2021 3:14:38 PM Post Reply
MSNBC political analyst and former Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill said Friday she and her family will start a new tradition this Independence Day by re-watching footage of the Jan. 6 Capitol riot. The Missouri Democrat said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” that The New York Times’s new video, “Day of Rage: An In-Depth Look at How a Mob Stormed the Capitol,” will become standard viewing at her family gatherings every July Fourth. “We’re going to start a new family tradition in my family,” Ms. McCaskill said, according to a clip flagged by Grabien Media. “On the Fourth of July and every Fourth of July going forward,
Homeless man arrested in connection
to stabbing of Eric Adams volunteer
7 replies
Posted by Ribicon 7/2/2021 12:32:07 PM Post Reply
A homeless man with over a dozen prior arrests was busted Friday in connection to the stabbing of an Eric Adams campaign volunteer in the Bronx, authorities said Friday. Gary Oliver, 34, was arrested and charged with attempted murder, police said. The 42-year-old staffer was repeatedly stabbed around 2:30 p.m. June 20 near East 149th Street and Morris Avenue in a shocking attack captured on video.(Snip) Sources said at the time that Oliver has 14 prior arrests, and was last busted for robbery in 2020. The victim has been arrested nearly 50 times, public records show.
Supreme Court rejects florist's case
against participating in same-sex wedding
30 replies
Posted by Ribicon 7/2/2021 12:02:16 PM Post Reply
The U.S. Supreme Court announced Friday it would not take up a case over LGBT rights and religious liberty when it comes to same-sex weddings in a dispute brought by a florist. The high court declined to hear Barronelle Stutzman’s case after she lost at the Washington Supreme Court when the state attorney general sued her for not providing flowers from her flower shop, Arlene’s Flowers, for a same-sex wedding. The American Civil Liberties Union also filed a lawsuit against the florist on behalf of the couple. Washington’s highest court concluded she could be forced to participate in the event despite her First Amendment claim
Boy Scouts of America reaches initial
$850M settlement with 60,000 men who
brought child sex abuse claims against
the organization—with the amount
set to rise to $1BILLION
11 replies
Posted by Ribicon 7/2/2021 9:24:16 AM Post Reply
The Boys Scouts of America has reached a $850billion settlement with more than 60,000 men whose claims of child sex abuse by volunteers and troop leaders span six decades. The settlement was disclosed in a Thursday filing with the US Bankruptcy Court in Delaware—more than a year after the 110-year-old non-profit valued at over $1billion filed for Chapter 11 protection from creditors in the face of more than 275 abuse lawsuits and 1,400 potential claims.(Snip) In Thursday's filing, BSA said its proposal has support from representatives for about 60,000 abuse survivors and provides a framework for a global resolution of abuse claims.
Major League Eating proposes hot dog
eating contest for mayoral contenders
8 replies
Posted by Ribicon 7/2/2021 12:11:40 AM Post Reply
New York City voters might not relish seeing mayoral wannabes stuff their faces with hot dogs, but after the way the Board of Elections botched the initial ranked-choice vote counting, maybe it’s not such a bad idea. With that in mind, the professional eating league that hosts the Nathan’s Famous Coney Island hot dog eating contest joked Thursday that the City Hall hopefuls scarf down wieners and buns on July 4, in a face-off that would determine the Democratic primary’s winner.(Snip) All candidates who have not conceded in the race—Eric Adams, Kathryn Garcia and Maya Wiley—are invited to a three-minute, all-you-can-eat
CBO sees supercharged recovery
as pandemic dissipates, predicts
severe inflation in coming months
15 replies
Posted by Ribicon 7/1/2021 7:11:27 PM Post Reply
The U.S. economy will roar to life for the rest of this year and remain supercharged through 2022, the Congressional Budget Office said Thursday, though the analysts also warned Americans to expect inflation to rise “sharply” for several months.(Snip) The government will borrow 44 cents of every dollar it spends this year, collecting just $3.8 trillion in taxes and fees while paying out $6.8 trillion. Debt will continue to be a problem, with Uncle Sam’s tab for public debt reaching $23 trillion. That will be larger than the entire country’s GDP, which will be $22.4 trillion. By 2030, the national debt will be nearly $34 trillion.
Border Patrol agents nab three
illegal immigrants armed with
stolen guns from Texas home
5 replies
Posted by Ribicon 7/1/2021 5:42:34 PM Post Reply
Three illegal immigrants were nabbed by Border Patrol agents after the trio broke into a Texas home and stole two loaded handguns and ammunition, US Customs and Border Protection announced.(Snip)The three immigrants were taken into custody by the Hudspeth County Sheriff’s Office and are expected to face theft and trespassing charges. Former President Donald Trump, who visited the Mexican border in Texas on Wednesday, blasted President Biden for causing the crisis by rolling back his administration’s immigration policies. Accompanied by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and a number of Republican lawmakers, Trump said Biden’s lax policies are being exploited by Mexican and Central American countries who release criminals
In South Florida, developers
often demand exceptions to rules.
Champlain Towers got several
12 replies
Posted by Ribicon 7/1/2021 1:31:13 PM Post Reply
According to his 2014 obituary, which shows him squinting and smiling, Nathan Reiber had just moved to South Florida and was retired for only a week when a building on Miami Beach’s Lincoln Road caught his eye. He bought it, launching his second career as a real estate mogul.(Snip)In Canada, he and his partners had been charged with tax evasion for, among other things, skimming cash from laundry businesses, the Washington Post reported. (Fifteen years later, he pleaded guilty and paid a $60,000 fine.) In Florida, Reiber started buying and selling existing multifamily buildings, often with partners from Canada, and developing his own from scratch.
Revealed: Majority of Florida condo
board QUIT in 2019 as president slammed
inaction and bickering over damning
engineer's report that said $15m needed
to be spent on urgent repairs
9 replies
Posted by Ribicon 7/1/2021 1:26:38 PM Post Reply
Most of the board members of the condominium that collapsed last week resigned in 2019, with the president of the board slamming inaction and bickering over an engineer's report calling for urgent repairs. Board president Anette Goldstein was among five members of the seven-person board who resigned in a two-week period in the fall of 2019, according to meeting minutes reported by the Washington Post.(Snip) The Morabito report focused attention on the pool deck, which was found to have waterproofing underneath that had failed and had been laid flat instead of sloping to drain off water. This threatened not only the concrete slab
Controversial crypto billionaire—dubbed
'the father of bitcoin toxicity'—drowns
off Costa Rica aged 41 leaving a
$2bn fortune
14 replies
Posted by Ribicon 7/1/2021 12:47:34 PM Post Reply
The sudden death of 41-year-old Mircea Popescu, an early adopter of Bitcoin, has left cryptocurrency experts speculating what will happen to the estimated $2 billion worth that he owned. There has so far been no word on who has access to his digital assets, believed to be some of the largest in the world, fueling unconfirmed rumors that the fortune could be gone.(Snip) Alexander Marder, a research analyst for Crypto Briefing said that without that access, they could be off the market. 'It looks like that with the deaths of Mircea Popescu and John McAfee a significant amount of $BTC might be lost forever. RIP' he tweeted.
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Rosanna Arquette: I Will Kneel in Protest
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Rest of My Life’
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Posted by OhioNick 7/1/2021 12:38:44 AM Post Reply
Left-wing Hollywood star Rosanna Arquette has declared she will take a knee in protest of the national anthem and U.S. flag “for the rest of my life.” Her comment comes just days after athlete Gwen Berry turned her back as “The Star-Spangled Banner” played during the U.S. Olympic track and field trials. Arquette is the latest celebrity figure to denigrate the American flag after pop star Macy Gray called for the flag to be replaced because it represents “divisiveness and hate.”
Roman Catholic church frequented by
Biden will let anyone receive Communion
amid abortion controversy
61 replies
Posted by OhioNick 7/1/2021 12:35:35 AM Post Reply
A Washington, D.C., church frequented by President Biden says it won't get involved in what it describes as "a political issue" over Communion. The Holy Trinity Catholic Church in the city's Georgetown neighborhood, which Biden has attended several times since taking office, said Wednesday it will not deny the Eucharist to the president over his abortion stance or "anyone else who presents themselves." "The great gift of the Holy Eucharist is too sacred to be made a political issue," the church’s parish council said.
Jill Biden Tells Vogue People Can
‘Breathe Again’ with Trump Out of
Office: Joe ‘Healed This Nation’
53 replies
Posted by OhioNick 7/1/2021 2:24:28 PM Post Reply
First Lady Jill Biden — who is featured on the August cover of Vogue after the fashion magazine broke a decades-long tradition by snubbing former First Lady Melania Trump during her four years in the White House — says people can “breathe again,” now that former President Donald Trump is out of office. Mrs. Biden said President Joe Biden came in and “heal[ed] this nation.” “During the campaign, I felt so much anxiety from people — they were scared,” Jill Biden told Vogue. “When I travel around the country now, I feel as though people can breathe again.” “I think that’s part of the reason Joe was elected,” the first lady added.
Joe Biden Suggests Global Warming and
Rising Sea Levels May Have Contributed
to Florida Condo Collapse (Video)
47 replies
Posted by Imright 7/1/2021 6:46:18 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden traveled to Surfside, Florida on Thursday to deliver remarks on the collapsed condo.Last Thursday morning a portion of the Champlain Towers South condo building in Surfside, Florida collapsed. The death toll rose to 18 on Thursday with 145 people unaccounted for. A reporter asked Biden what he learned about the collapsed condo in his meeting with Governor DeSantis and investigators.Biden immediately suggested global warming, storms and rising sea levels may have contributed to the collapse.Shameless.
San Jose plans to be first U.S. city
requiring firearms owners to pay back
taxpayers for gun violence
38 replies
Posted by konocti95 7/1/2021 12:28:27 PM Post Reply
A month after a gunman killed nine workers at a rail yard in San Jose, the city is taking steps to become the first in the nation to require firearms owners to buy insurance and pay fees to relieve taxpayers of the costs of responding to gun violence. The San Jose City Council voted unanimously Tuesday night to draft an ordinance that would order gun owners in the city to obtain insurance and pay an annual fee to subsidize police responses, ambulances, medical treatment and other municipal expenses related to shootings, injuries and deaths. The amount of the fee hasn’t been determined, but Mayor Sam Liccardo said
Biden mentions ‘good’ side of Florida
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32 replies
Posted by Imright 7/1/2021 1:39:35 PM Post Reply
President Biden struck an odd tone near the site of the Florida building collapse Thursday as he talked about finding a “good” side to the disaster that left at least 18 dead and nearly 150 missing.“You know what’s good about this?” Biden said at a briefing with local leaders. “It lets the nation know we can cooperate and when it’s really important.” Biden added, “I just got back from 12 days in Europe. You wonder whether we can do this. And you’re doing it. I mean, just the simple act of everybody doing whatever needs to be done.”
Report: Kamala Harris is an awful boss 32 replies
Posted by Magnante 7/1/2021 5:19:56 AM Post Reply
Vice President Mike Pence may be in the doghouse with conservatives but no one can say there were stories that he was a bad boss or that his office was chaotic, mismanaged, or incompetent. Things are different with Kamala Harris. According to an article in Politico, Harris’s office sounds like the real-life version of Veep, the HBO political satire that focused on the stupid, self-centered, and vicious Selina Meyer, a Vice President whose office was filled with slavish gatekeepers and self-centered staff, all of whom were incompetent. The story rings true. What's more interesting is contemplating why Democrats are going after Harris.
Are We Nazi Germany? 31 replies
Posted by Magnante 7/1/2021 3:47:49 AM Post Reply
I've noticed that whenever the subject of Nazi Germany is raised, someone always says something like this: "It's unbelievable that Adolf Hitler was able to manipulate and control the entire German population. It just seems impossible." (snip) Like a lot of Americans, I always assumed that America was safe from the kind of tyranny the German people experienced under the heavy hand of the Third Reich. (snip) Yet, for the past eighteen months, that's exactly what has happened in America. A nation that always prided itself on its independence and individuality was suddenly locked down.
Supreme Court rejects florist's case
against participating in same-sex wedding
30 replies
Posted by Ribicon 7/2/2021 12:02:16 PM Post Reply
The U.S. Supreme Court announced Friday it would not take up a case over LGBT rights and religious liberty when it comes to same-sex weddings in a dispute brought by a florist. The high court declined to hear Barronelle Stutzman’s case after she lost at the Washington Supreme Court when the state attorney general sued her for not providing flowers from her flower shop, Arlene’s Flowers, for a same-sex wedding. The American Civil Liberties Union also filed a lawsuit against the florist on behalf of the couple. Washington’s highest court concluded she could be forced to participate in the event despite her First Amendment claim
Nancy Pelosi says Liz Cheney will be the
lone Republican on January 6 committee
30 replies
Posted by Imright 7/1/2021 1:49:55 PM Post Reply
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Thursday said Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming will be the sole Republican on the House's select committee to investigate the fatal January 6 insurrection on the US Capitol. "We're very honored and proud that she has agreed to serve on the committee," Pelosi said of Cheney.Cheney has in many ways been ostracized by her own party for refusing to echo former President Donald Trump's lies about the 2020 election. In May, Republicans ousted Cheney from her leadership post as conference chair. The Wyoming lawmaker stands among the small group Republicans willing to openly criticize Trump.
Kamala Harris’s ‘abusive’ office: VP rocked
by claims staffers are 'treated like sh**' and
that chief of staff Tina Flournoy has created
a 'blame culture' - despite Biden's threat to
FIRE anyone treating colleagues poorly
30 replies
Posted by Imright 7/1/2021 4:47:24 AM Post Reply
The office of Vice President Kamala Harris has been rocked by claims that staffers are 'treated like sh**' and that Chief of Staff Tina Flournoy has created 'blame culture.' Tensions started to boil over after Harris finally decided to visit the border last week, blindsiding staffers, according to a Politico report based on interviews with 22 current and former vice presidential aides, officials and associates. Sources described a tense atmosphere with low morale and trust, as well as bad communication, according to the outlet.Flournoy has allegedly created an environment
Target store closings show limits
of pledge to Black communities
29 replies
Posted by Ribicon 7/1/2021 12:14:05 PM Post Reply
Baltimore—When Target announced that it was opening a store in Mondawmin, a predominantly Black neighborhood in Baltimore, a city struggling with crime and poverty, it seemed like a ticket to a turnaround. And from the start, it was a practical success and a point of community pride. The store, which opened in 2008, carried groceries, operated a pharmacy and had a Starbucks cafe—the only one in this part of Baltimore's west side.(Snip) But in February 2018, with almost no warning or explanation, Target closed the store. Residents, especially those without cars, lost a convenient place to shop for quality goods.
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