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Truck plows into pro-abortion activists
in Iowa and troopers fire tear gas in
Arizona while LA erupts in protest after
SCOTUS overturned Roe v. Wade

Original Article

Posted By: Imright, 6/25/2022 7:40:12 AM

A pickup truck has plowed into pro-choice protesters in Iowa as demonstrations turned violent after the Supreme Court's bombshell Roe v Wade ruling. The black vehicle drove through the group of activists in Cedar Rapids despite them screaming at it to stop and hammering the hood and window. One appeared to get caught in front of it and narrowly avoided being run over before the driver sped off during the shocking exchange on Friday night. Another had her foot run over and was left howling in pain. And a third was flung to the floor as he drove away, suffering bruises and scrapes.


* Alex Hammer & Nikki Schwab

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Wetenschapper 6/25/2022 7:46:11 AM (No. 1196451)
Didn't yo' mama teach you not to play in the street?
16 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: HoundOfDoom 6/25/2022 7:47:57 AM (No. 1196453)
The leftists were blocking the road and would not let him pass peacefully. He slowly pushed past them and went on his way. He showed restraint and care for life. More so than the demons in the street.
35 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: watashiyo 6/25/2022 7:55:05 AM (No. 1196457)
FTA: "A black pickup truck was driven slowly into the crowd", but the headline says, "A pickup truck has plowed into pro-choice protesters". So which is it?
25 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Are You Serious 6/25/2022 8:08:38 AM (No. 1196474)
Somehow, my "I do not give a damn" feelings have come to the fore.
23 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Subsuburban 6/25/2022 8:09:04 AM (No. 1196475)
Hey people! Don't watch the video, where the truck is surrounded by angry, hateful, screaming left-wing lunatics trying to disrupt the passage of vehicles in the street. The street! You know, the part that is specifically designed for the passage of vehicles, in contrast to the "sidewalk," designed for pedestrian travel. Yeah, that's right, just read the headline and feel all sympathetic for the poor, downtrodden violent protestors. And while you're at it, ignore what Justice Thomas' Opinion ACTUALLY SAID and scream how the Supreme Court just authorized KILLING WOMEN! The Opinion was that there is no "right to abortion" in the United States Constitution, and if you and your fellow citizens want to allow pregnant women to kill their offspring in the womb, go vote in a legislature that passes a law to your liking.
16 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: voxpopuli 6/25/2022 8:21:50 AM (No. 1196486)
Headline says pro-ABORTIONISTS vs pro-CHOICE in first sentence. Second description could be people deciding pistachio ice cream over vanilla. First sounds like domestic terrorists.
4 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: halfnorsk 6/25/2022 8:43:47 AM (No. 1196499)
I would say that the video reveals protestors attacking the truck. I don't see anything that resembles "plowing into a crowd."
18 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: BeatleJeff 6/25/2022 8:58:27 AM (No. 1196508)
I heard some libtard say yesterday that it was now open season on Conservatives. I think a Conservative just launched a pre-emptive strike. Libtards need to be really careful what they wish for. It won't end well for them.
12 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: cor-vet 6/25/2022 9:03:33 AM (No. 1196513)
He showed more restraint than I would have! And one of the people in the article mentions that the driver should respect the rights of others with opinions that differ from his. Like they do?
12 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: lakerman1 6/25/2022 9:05:11 AM (No. 1196515)
I learned, as a little boy, to avoid walking in the street.
8 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: mean Gene 6/25/2022 9:18:12 AM (No. 1196520)
Searing all women's consciences, one abotion at a time. That's what the Left fears losing. If too many women have sensitive conciences, their entire narrative falls apart. This is the real divide in this country.
4 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: Jesuslover54 6/25/2022 10:13:25 AM (No. 1196555)
I don't understand it I really think that all this protesting is going to make the Supreme Court turn it back? Or do they think they are preparing the battlefield for the next big decision? Bag of hammers ain't in it.
4 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: DVC 6/25/2022 10:47:41 AM (No. 1196592)
Standing in the road is suicidal. No sympathy if they get run over.
8 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: hope27 6/25/2022 11:39:51 AM (No. 1196658)
Funny that they are screaming that women’s right’s are being taken away when they can’t even describe what a woman is. These dopey super birthing persons believe they can stop a moving pickup truck, order the driver out of the car and then start screaming when they are hurt. Mental illness. Evil is out of the closet. Keep showing us who you are so we can mock and isolate you.
5 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: daisey 6/25/2022 12:46:17 PM (No. 1196710)
Personally, I’m tired of these rioting idiots. They are the domestic terrorist. We’ve raised a generation of entitled brats who throw temper tantrums when they don’t get their way. Instead of stomping their feet like 2 year olds, they destroy and threaten egged on by jerks like Chuck Schumer and Maxine Waters. Where’s the DOJ when you need them? Merrick Garland is a useless piece of you know what. Wonder if Soros is paying some of these idiots to riot?
6 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: DVC 6/25/2022 1:14:20 PM (No. 1196744)
I've actually done some real plowing, with a tractor and a plow....that was NOT plowing into those demonstrators.
4 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: Birddog 6/25/2022 1:15:02 PM (No. 1196745)
vying for the Rachael Corrie Cup at the annual Darwin Awards...while envisioning themselves as Tienanmen Square guy.
4 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: griddog1 6/25/2022 2:35:51 PM (No. 1196799)
Fake news!
0 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: NYbob 6/25/2022 3:01:24 PM (No. 1196814)
Of course it is the Daily Mail. Yet again I have to thank every patriot and every enemy of Britain in the mid to late 1700s. Thank you for throwing off the yoke of those morons.
1 person likes this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: deerejon 6/25/2022 4:25:37 PM (No. 1196879)
I think the Prolife people should show up and throw them all pacifiers to suck on.
2 people like this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: rochow 6/25/2022 5:03:38 PM (No. 1196901)
Great driver! Thanks! After all, if these abortion ho's want so much to kill a child, I ask myself, why didn't their mothers abort them? They want to kill a baby when it is being born and afterwards. So, why don't we have another 'abortion law'? The mother can kill her baby 2,3, 6. 11 or more years after birth? Is that the future?? Perhaps the driver of this truck is making up for it.
2 people like this.

Reply 22 - Posted by: udanja99 6/25/2022 6:31:09 PM (No. 1196947)
The woman who got her foot run over was actually trying to hit the driver through his open window. But now she’s a victim. Right.
3 people like this.

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Posted by Imright 6/26/2022 4:50:23 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 6/26/2022 4:24:30 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Black Conservative Voice 6/25/2022 6:24:04 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 6/26/2022 2:11:33 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 6/25/2022 2:33:33 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Black Conservative Voice 6/26/2022 9:02:59 AM Post Reply
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Posted by PageTurner 6/26/2022 7:32:05 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 6/26/2022 2:02:02 AM Post Reply
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Posted by earlybird 6/25/2022 1:12:46 PM Post Reply
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