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Revealed: Twisted online diary of white
supremacist Buffalo gunman shows he had
massacre map drawn up and posted a photo
of himself in hazmat suit in SCHOOL

Original Article

Posted By: Imright, 5/18/2022 11:35:11 PM

A white supremacist who gunned down 10 black people at a Buffalo supermarket meticulously planned the massacre in thousands of twisted entries online. Payton Gendron, 18, spent months agonizing over the details of his plan to carry out a mass shooting, according to the daily entries posted the digital message app Discord, which was provided to the by the International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation.While wearing military gear, he opened fire with a semi-automatic weapon in the parking lot and inside the Tops Friendly Supermarket in a predominantly black neighborhood of Buffalo, New York, on Saturday afternoon. The FBI called the attack 'racially motivated violent extremism.'

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Italiano 5/18/2022 11:37:03 PM (No. 1159552)
Where was the FBI? Never mind.
16 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Catherine 5/19/2022 12:44:42 AM (No. 1159580)
How about the massacres in Chicago or gang territory in California. All these white supremacists all follow a pattern. All seem to write manifestos. All seem to have mental issues. All seem to have lots of weapons. See a pattern?
10 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: udanja99 5/19/2022 6:55:18 AM (No. 1159700)
Revealed: Twisted online diary of socialist radical environmentalist white supremacist Buffalo gunman shows he had massacre map drawn up and posted a photo of himself in hazmat suit in SCHOOL. Fixed it for you.
6 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: czechlist 5/19/2022 8:07:27 AM (No. 1159756)
When I was that age all I was interested in was girls, cars, girls, sports, girls and women. What a truly twisted kid to plan mayhem and murder. I doubt his hatred was born of the internet, TV, radio... it had to be from some experience which angered him - likely some type of rejection or bullying at school.
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Reply 5 - Posted by: LC Chihuahua 5/19/2022 8:16:07 AM (No. 1159765)
There are people out there spewing hate with the goal of fomenting division, strife, and violence. Then there are stupid people like this kid who fall for it hook line and sinker and eat it all up like it were gospel. Your neighbors are different than you! Get over it! That doesn't give you the right to kill them! You are supposed to live in peace with your neighbor. That is what God commanded. Too bad we have removed God from society.
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Reply 6 - Posted by: qr4j 5/19/2022 9:26:33 AM (No. 1159865)
Ah . . . but those concerned parents in Virginia and elsewhere were FAR MORE dangerous than a guy with a plan to commit mass murder. The FBI has its priorities, mind you!
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Reply 7 - Posted by: Robert Jones 5/19/2022 10:15:40 AM (No. 1159931)
No mention of having him listed so he couldn't purchase such a gun. When did he buy it? Has he been placed on a list to prevent his buying such a weapon? What good are all these registry laws if they aren't even used in such a clear cut case. What it is, is the feds want these events so they can outlaw all these guns for law abiding citizens, like Hitler did, like was done in Venezuela, and even in cities in the USA where there is no enforcement of gun laws!
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Posted by Imright 5/19/2022 10:57:36 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 5/19/2022 7:31:59 PM Post Reply
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Wow! Biden Regime Hires Michael Chertoff
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– Another Hunter Biden Laptop Truther
9 replies
Posted by Imright 5/19/2022 7:07:24 PM Post Reply
The Biden regime announced on Wednesday they hired Michael Chertoff, another Hunter Biden laptop truther to lead the government’s Disinformation Board. Chertoff has worked as an attorney at Covington & Burling. Chertoff is the co-author of the Patriot Act that allowed the federal government to spy on its citizens.Michael Chertoff was a board member of a website Alliance for Securing Democracy that claimed it was tracking Russian disinformation during the Trump years. Its real purpose is to smear websites supportive of Donald Trump and his accomplishments as Russian propaganda.
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7 replies
Posted by Imright 5/19/2022 7:02:21 PM Post Reply
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2 replies
Posted by Imright 5/19/2022 6:55:11 PM Post Reply
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Exclusive: Sen. Rick Scott To Release
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2 replies
Posted by Imright 5/19/2022 6:51:24 PM Post Reply
Republican Florida Sen. Rick Scott will release an advertisement Friday hitting back at President Joe Biden over inflation and the current baby formula shortage.In the ad first obtained by The Daily Caller, Scott criticizes Biden’s policies contributing to record inflation, devaluing of retirement plans and the baby formula shortage, despite the president’s insistence his policies are benefitting Americans.“You know with Joe Biden as President, all Americans have one thing in common: we all have less and everything costs more,” Scott says in the ad. “More for gas. More for food. More for rent. We have mortgage rates rising, 401k’s shrinking and a baby formula shortage.”
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10 replies
Posted by Imright 5/19/2022 6:43:34 PM Post Reply
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No More Letting Them Slander Conservatives 0 replies
Posted by Imright 5/19/2022 6:35:36 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Ribicon 5/19/2022 9:25:12 AM Post Reply
Vladimir Putin's state TV propagandists have targeted the new White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre in a rant where they suggested she only got the job because she is black and gay. The Russian state TV hosts laughed as they said Jean-Pierre will be 'replaced' in a month or two by a 'white, heterosexual male'. They claimed Jean-Pierre, who is the first black, gay and immigrant woman to hold the position of White House press secretary, was not chosen for her 'professional abilities'.(Snip)Popov added: 'I read many books, graduated from a University, I did my PhD thesis on such and such a topic, I speak many
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Posted by Judy W. 5/19/2022 7:00:54 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Black Conservative Voice 5/19/2022 9:39:02 AM Post Reply
Criminals getting blown up by retired Marines is just hilarious as heck. Who better to deal out such righteous justice than a United States Marine, who has had more than enough of people stealing his packages from his porch. I’m not saying he handled the situation in the most legal fashion, nor will I say this is the best way to deal with porch thieves. However, I will say that I’m glad he went about it the way he did because it’s hilarious.
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Posted by Black Conservative Voice 5/19/2022 7:23:25 AM Post Reply
A Democrat witness testifying before the House Judiciary Committee on abortion rights Thursday declared that men can get pregnant and have abortions. Aimee Arrambide, the executive director of the abortion rights nonprofit Avow Texas, was asked by Rep. Dan Bishop, R-N.C., to define what "a woman is," to which she responded, "I believe that everyone can identify for themselves."
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Posted by PageTurner 5/19/2022 9:26:35 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Ribicon 5/19/2022 11:47:24 AM Post Reply
In what some are calling an epic 'Freudian slip,' former President George W. Bush accidentally called the invasion of Iraq 'wholly unjustified and brutal' while speaking about Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Bush made the embarrassing gaffe in a speech at his presidential center in Dallas, where he spoke about the importance of fair elections and slammed Russia's autocratic system. 'The result is an absence of checks and balances in Russia, and the decision of one man to launch a wholly unjustified and brutal invasion of Iraq,' Bush said, before shaking his head and correcting himself. 'I mean, of Ukraine.' As the audience fell into awkward silence, Bush muttered
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Posted by Imright 5/19/2022 8:45:51 AM Post Reply
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Putin's mainstream TV propagandists target
new White House press secretary Karine
Jean-Pierre and say 'she only got the
job because she is black and gay'
23 replies
Posted by Imright 5/19/2022 8:23:12 AM Post Reply
Vladimir Putin's state TV propagandists have targeted the new White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre in a vile racist and homophobic rant where they suggested she only got the job because she is black and gay.The Russian state TV hosts laughed as they said Jean-Pierre will be 'replaced' in a month or two by a 'white, heterosexual male'. They claimed Jean-Pierre, who is the first black, gay and immigrant woman to hold the position of White House press secretary, was not chosen for her 'professional abilities'.
Abortion 'must be legal and accessible':
Evangelical Lutheran Church
21 replies
Posted by Beardo 5/19/2022 5:02:31 PM Post Reply
The Evangelical Lutheran Church released a statement Tuesday stating opposition to the Supreme Court's leaked draft opinion that could overturn Roe v. Wade. The ECLA, a medium-sized denomination with approximately 3 million members in the U.S., made the announcement via their website and social media. Bishop Elizabeth Eaton, the head of the ECLA, cited the church's 1991 social teachings document as the basis for the church's support of abortion access. (snip) “[While] the leaked draft does not represent the Supreme Court's ruling in its final form; nevertheless, it contradicts this church's teaching."
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21 replies
Posted by Imright 5/19/2022 12:02:16 PM Post Reply
Gas prices in the US reached a new record high Thursday - recording a national average of $4.589 per gallon - with analysts at JPMorgan now warning that that number could surpass the $6 mark by the end of the summer.'There is a real risk the price could reach $6+ a gallon by August,' Natasha Kaneva, head of global oil and commodities research at the prominent investment bank, told CNN Tuesday. The concerning forecast comes as US gas prices have surged to previously unseen highs during Joe Biden's presidency.The nation's current average gasoline price, $4.58-a-gallon, stands as nearly double the $2.41 average seen during
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19 replies
Posted by Lets Go Brandon 5/19/2022 5:11:46 PM Post Reply
AOC will see you at the altar. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is engaged to longtime boyfriend Riley Roberts, she confirmed on Twitter. “It’s true! Thank you all for the well wishes,” Ocasio-Cortez tweeted. The couple were engaged in Puerto Rico last month but haven’t set a date as they take “some space to savor this time before diving into planning,” the congresswoman told Business Insider. Rumors started circulating earlier in the day when Ocasio-Cortez was photographed by The Hill sporting an engagement ring.
SARS-CoV2 Spike protein is a toxin 19 replies
Posted by earlybird 5/19/2022 10:06:32 AM Post Reply
First, a quick overview of the various “factchecking” organization statements. How many people developed brain damages or lost their life or that of a loved one because of accepting a vaccine based on the falsehoods propagated by these grossly unqualified “factcheckers”? Do they have criminal liability for their falsehoods and propaganda? (snip) please keep in mind that the FDA has approved three doses of these mRNA vaccines for administration to all of our 5-11 year old children. Under emergency use authorization(snip) though there is no medical emergency.(snip) let us review the actual science. (snip) First off, it is important to understand a little bit about the SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein.
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