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EXCLUSIVE 'You get picked up in the US
for walking on cracks in a pavement!'
Security services are accused of 'intelligence
failure' after British synagogue siege
terrorist, 44, evaded officials despite
criminal convictions and 9/11 rant

Original Article

Posted By: Ribicon, 1/17/2022 12:11:46 PM

The security services were today accused of a serious 'intelligence failure' after a British Islamist was able to travel to the US to lay siege to a synagogue despite his significant criminal convictions and known radical views.(Snip)Today, Tory MP Bob Seely told MailOnline there seemed to have been a 'dreadful' error at the UK and US borders caused by an 'intelligence failure' and it needed to be looked at. 'This is clearly a failure of intelligence sharing. It is absolutely dreadful that he has been allowed to go to the States and hurt people. Clearly something has gone wrong somewhere,' he said.


*, Vivek Chaudhary, James Tapsfield, and Rory Tingle
Mistakes were made, we dropped the ball, time to move on. We're overworked and underpaid, too busy undermining and framing the former US president to track the movements of known dangerous actors who pose a danger to the lowly public, which pays our salaries.

Post Reply

Reply 1 - Posted by: Venturer 1/17/2022 12:14:06 PM (No. 1041537)
The Brits were probably happy to see him go.
8 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Right Time 1/17/2022 12:35:33 PM (No. 1041566)
The “No Fly List” is a joke, and only contains the names of conservatives, Trump supporters, and people who speak out against CRT at PTA meetings.
15 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Bur Oak 1/17/2022 12:41:26 PM (No. 1041577)
Events such as this are becoming too commonplace to be coincidences.
16 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Come And Take It 1/17/2022 12:43:27 PM (No. 1041581)
Everything the government touches turns to crap.
9 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: red1066 1/17/2022 12:53:13 PM (No. 1041600)
Mistakes by U.S. intelligent services is a mainstay of U.S. intelligence. One can start with Pearl Harbor and move on from there at the number of times so called intelligence was ignored. People who want to do harm to this country can just about announce their intentions ahead of time, and no one is going to stop them, but argue about wearing a mask on a plane, and the entire enforcement apparatus of the U.S. government comes down on your head. However, be a Muslim with every radical ideology under the sun and who wants to learn to fly planes, but isn't interested in how to land the plane, and the welcome mat is laid out. Come on in.
13 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: bigfatslob 1/17/2022 1:22:24 PM (No. 1041638)
The same thing happened with the Boston Marathon pressure cooker bombing brothers. They were free to move between their home country and the United Stated the FBI knew about them. This British terrorist pretty much walked in through New York while old grandmas are being strip searched for more than four ounces of shampoo or toothpaste. This was a security failure there's no other word for it. Parents at school board meetings are the new threat and danger. FFBI
9 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: MrDeplorable 1/17/2022 1:32:28 PM (No. 1041649)
Time to bring back Operation Phoenix and if you don’t know what that is, ask a Vietnam vet.
2 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: john56 1/17/2022 1:57:52 PM (No. 1041688)
Gee. If he had gone to a couple of school board meetings and flew a Trump flag, the FBI would have had him pegged in a day or two. Otherwise, he sounded just like brother-marrying home-wrecker Omar.
8 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: cor-vet 1/17/2022 2:24:47 PM (No. 1041729)
Locally, everything I read our local police reports, it's the same thing. The people have had 10 or 12 or more jail stays, and yet, are out on the street. It's pervasive throughout our society. 3 strikes and you're out is and always has been a joke!
4 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Strike3 1/17/2022 4:51:41 PM (No. 1041867)
How many more made it through successfully?.
0 people like this.

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Feds probe entrepreneur couple who cashed
in on COVID testing boom - but 'didn't
send customers their results': Pair set
up 300 pop-up sites and flaunted Ferrari
Enzo, Lamborghini, Ford GT and $1.36M home
0 replies
Posted by Ribicon 1/18/2022 9:20:15 PM Post Reply
A serial entrepreneur couple who cashed in on the COVID testing boom are now at the center of a federal probe after being accused of fraud by customers who say they never received results or got negative test results via email before they had even taken the test. Longtime entrepreneurs Akbar Ali Syed, 35, and his wife Aleya Siyaj, 29, of St. Charles, Illinois, have attached themselves to many trending business ventures over the years, including a donut shop, wedding photography and axe-throwing.(Snip)The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services documented numerous 'deficiencies' at the company's main lab, Doctors Clinical Lab, which has been reimbursed more than $124 million
Penzeys Spices CEO sparks fury by renaming
MLK Day 'Republicans are RACIST Weekend'
in letter to customers - just two weeks
after branding the GOP the 'number one
threat to this country'
8 replies
Posted by Ribicon 1/18/2022 9:09:15 PM Post Reply
Penzeys Spices CEO sparked outrage after he renamed Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Republicans are Racist Weekend, in a promotional newsletter for customers. Bill Penzey Jr., 58, who founded the company in 1986 and does not have any shareholders to answer to, sent out the letter on Friday. It promised to 'Cheese Off Racists for Free!' as part of a spices promotion that includes ten Black Lives Matter stickers, because they have 'earned our respect!'(Snip) 'I'm a Democrat and liberal and all that and I know not all Republicans are racist. I think this is going a bit too far with the generalizations,' one customer wrote
3 Pennsylvania officers charged in shooting
death of 8-year-old girl at high school
football game
2 replies
Posted by Ribicon 1/18/2022 8:46:46 PM Post Reply
Criminal charges have been filed against three Pennsylvania police officers in connection with the shooting death of an 8-year-old girl and the wounding of three others at a high school football game last year. The girl, Fanta Bility, was killed on Aug. 27 when gunfire broke out shortly after the conclusion of a game at Academy Park High School in Sharon Hill, a community of about 5,700 residents near the Philadelphia International Airport. Bility's sister and two others were injured. Delaware County District Attorney Jack Stollsteimer announced the charges Tuesday against three Sharon Hill Police officers—Devon Smith, Sean Dolan and Brian Devaney—in connection with Bility's death.
Woman caught on video spitting on 8-year-old
child after making anti-Jewish statements
5 replies
Posted by Ribicon 1/18/2022 6:54:40 PM Post Reply
Marine Park, Brooklyn—A woman spat on an 8-year-old boy multiple times Jan. 14 after harassing him and two other children, police said Tuesday. At about 12:35 p.m. the woman approached the three children, who were walking on Avenue P in Marine Park. Police said she made anti-Jewish statements before spitting on one of the children and fleeing toward Kimball Street. No injuries were reported to police. The suspect is a woman in her 20s, police said. They believe she is about 5-feet-3-inches tall and 140 pounds. She was last seen wearing an orange hoodie, black leggings and black Ugg-style boots.
Mayor Adams admits he doesn’t feel safe
riding NYC’s subways either
4 replies
Posted by Ribicon 1/18/2022 6:18:16 PM Post Reply
Mayor Eric Adams admitted Tuesday that even he doesn’t feel safe riding the city’s subways. “Day one, Jan. 1, when I took the train, I saw the homelessness, the yelling, the screaming early in the morning,” Adams said at a press conference. “Crimes right outside the platform. “We know we have a job to do, and we’re going to do both: We’re going to drive down crime, and we’re going to make sure New Yorkers feel safe in our subway system,” he said. “And they don’t feel that way now. I don’t feel that way when I take the train.” Adams’ stunning admission comes on the heels of his controversial
Browns lineman Malik McDowell arrested
naked after ‘violent attack’ on deputy
8 replies
Posted by Ribicon 1/18/2022 6:14:55 PM Post Reply
Malik McDowell, a defensive tackle on the Cleveland Browns, was arrested in Florida on charges of beating a deputy and public exposure. Video has emerged of his arrest, in which he was completely naked. TMZ published video of McDowell’s arrest, which shows him writhing on the ground while handcuffed in the presence of about a half-dozen officers. At one point in the video, you can see McDowell resisting his position, and an officer appears to kick him to keep him down.(Snip)Police accused McDowell of a “violent attack” on a deputy that left him “dazed.”(Snip)McDowell has had previous arrests. In 2017, he was charged with DUI
Tim Perry out as chief of staff at ICE 6 replies
Posted by Ribicon 1/18/2022 5:42:24 PM Post Reply
Timothy Perry is out as chief of staff at ICE amid questions over the deportation agency’s plummeting arrest numbers. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement confirmed his departure but did not give a reason for the sudden change. One law enforcement source said Mr. Perry was ousted by Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas over concern about ICE’s enforcement numbers, which show a serious deterioration in the agency’s operations over the last year. ICE spokeswoman Nicole Peckumn said Mr. Perry was no longer working at the agency, but she didn’t address the arrest numbers nor Mr. Mayorkas’ role in Mr. Perry’s departure. “Tim Perry decided to depart the agency to pursue
Psaki invokes Biden’s dead wife, child
while dodging question about Delaware
visitor logs
16 replies
Posted by Ribicon 1/18/2022 5:37:47 PM Post Reply
White House press secretary Jen Psaki on Tuesday invoked President Biden‘s dead wife and child in an unusual move to sidestep questions about why the administration won’t release visitor logs from the president’s Delaware residences.“Well, the president goes to Delaware because it’s his home. It’s also where his son and former wife are buried and it’s a place that is close to his heart,” Ms. Psaki said during the daily press briefing. “A lot of presidents go visit their home when they are president.”(Snip)The connection between Mr. Biden‘s deceased family members and the White House refusing to release visitor logs for his homes in Wilmington and Rehoboth
NYC subway travel 2022: Straphangers wait
on the WRONG SIDE of turnstiles to protect
themselves from screaming man and being
pushed off platform after spate of track
shove attacks
9 replies
Posted by Ribicon 1/18/2022 3:47:11 PM Post Reply
A group of New York City commuters were forced to stand behind the subway entryway Tuesday morning while waiting for a train as a screaming man paced on the platform—a scene that is increasingly typical as random subway violence becomes the norm. Three women waiting for the downtown 6 at the 23rd Street station around 7am stayed behind the turnstiles before running onto their train at the last minute when it arrived.(Snip)'There was also a six-foot man who’d gone through the turnstiles who was hovering near the exit door near us. It was a horrible atmosphere and there wasn’t a cop or MTA worker in sight,'
William Barr to release memoir titled
‘One Damn Thing After Another’
30 replies
Posted by Ribicon 1/18/2022 3:15:27 PM Post Reply
Former Attorney General William P. Barr will release a memoir in March that will dive into his tenure under the presidencies of George H.W. Bush and Donald Trump. In the long-rumored book, “One Damn Thing After Another: Memoirs of an Attorney General,” Mr. Barr will give a “candid account of his historic tenures serving two vastly different presidents,” according to a book description on Amazon. “In this candid memoir, Barr takes readers behind the scenes during seminal moments of the 1990s, from the LA riots to Pan Am 103 and Iran Contra,” the description states. “Thirty years later, Barr faced an unrelenting barrage of issues, such as Russiagate,
‘Fear is real, justified’: New Yorkers
blast Adams on subway crime ‘perception’
17 replies
Posted by Ribicon 1/18/2022 3:06:13 PM Post Reply
Perceive this, Mr. Mayor! New Yorkers reacted harshly Monday to Eric Adams’ claim that they’re merely experiencing “the perception of fear” on the subways, saying they want the mayor to know they avoid riding the rails for a very real reason: to keep themselves safe. An Upper West Side lawyer said she’s been spending about $500 on Uber rides a month amid the recent spate of shoving incidents that led to the slaying of a woman in the Times Square station on Saturday. “The fear is real,” said the 31-year-old woman, who gave her name as Monica. “When you hear incidents that women are being thrown onto the subway
AT&T delays turning on 5G towers near
some US airport runways over airlines'
fears of 'catastrophic disruption': 'Frustrated'
telecoms giant attacks FAA and aviation
industry for wasting 'the two years they've
had to responsibly plan'
14 replies
Posted by Ribicon 1/18/2022 1:48:37 PM Post Reply
AT&T has reluctantly agreed to delay the launch of its C-band 5G technology after the FAA and pilots unions threatened to cancel hundreds of flights over fears the roll-out would make it unsafe to fly, and Verizon is being urged by the White House to follow suit in order to avoid thousands of flights being canceled tomorrow. The new technology was due to launch around the US on Wednesday January 19th, a deadline that has been in the making for two years. To launch, AT&T and Verizon towers that emit the signals necessary to power it were due to be switched on.
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Maxine Waters uses race to smear fellow
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Posted by Imright 1/17/2022 8:42:48 PM Post Reply
In anything but what might be considered a spoiler alert, radical Democrat Maxine Waters claims that U.S. Sens. Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema “don’t care about minorities” because neither Democrat will vote to end the filibuster.An “always optimistic” U.S. Rep. Waters (D-Calif.) also slammed Republicans, who are supposedly under the spell of Donald Trump, for their opposition to changing the filibuster math, which she argued posed a “difficult time” for Democrats and the country itself.Democrats would love to end the 60-vote threshold requirement in the upper chamber to enable them to jam through the currently stalled, so-called voting rights legislation, as well as other components of their far-left wishlist.
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Posted by Imright 1/18/2022 11:29:55 AM Post Reply
The White House is planning a new communications strategy, as President Joe Biden faces a total collapse of his approval ratings.Citing “senior administration officials,” NBC News reported Tuesday the White House is exploring new ways to communicate directly with the American people.Advisers expressed the need for Biden to “talk to more people directly,” instead of “one-dimensional” speeches from the White House, the report revealed, citing “his greatest political strength” as “empathy and an ability to connect with ordinary Americans.”Biden’s approval numbers are only getting worse as he approaches the one year anniversary in office.
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Posted by Imright 1/18/2022 12:02:34 AM Post Reply
A medical board in Maine has suspended the license of an MIT-educated doctor and ordered a psychiatric evaluation after she was accused of treating some of her patients with Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine and spreading misinformation about COVID-19. Maine’s Board of Licensure in Medicine voted last week to conduct a deeper investigation into Dr Meryl Nass, from Ellsworth. The board also voted to suspend her license for 30 days and have her undergo a psychiatric evaluation. The board stated in its January 12 order that allowing Nass to continue practicing medicine 'constitutes an immediate jeopardy to the health and physical safety of the public
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Posted by GustoGrabber 1/17/2022 7:58:29 AM Post Reply
Sen. Mitt Romney on Sunday said President Joe Biden was not elected to "transform America." Romney said people who backed Biden "were looking to get back to normal" and "stop the crazy." The senator said Biden's latest voting-rights speech was not helpful in forging bipartisanship. Sen. Mitt Romney on Sunday dinged President Joe Biden's governing approach, arguing that the longtime Democratic lawmaker was elected to restore a sense of normality to government and was not put into office to "transform" the country
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Posted by Lucky5 1/18/2022 10:45:59 AM Post Reply
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, a once-loyal member of Donald Trump's court, is refusing to bend a knee to the former president and says backing him in the 2024 election 'is too much to ask' after Trump publicly attacked his character. Trump allegedly branded popular governor as having 'no personal charisma' and a 'dull personality' as rumors swirl the ex-president is angry DeSantis hasn't declined to challenge him for the GOP presidential nomination. DeSantis, however, has told his inner circle that Trump's 'expectation that he bend the knee is asking too much,' the New York Times reported.
Fully Vaccinated *And Boosted* Mark Milley
Tests Positive For Covid-19 Four Days
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Posted by Imright 1/17/2022 7:09:06 PM Post Reply
Joint Chiefs Chairman Mark Milley, who is fully vaccinated *and boosted* tested positive for Covid-19 on Sunday and is experiencing symptoms.Milley, 63, was with Joe Biden on Wednesday at the funeral of Gen. Raymond Odierno.According to Joint Chiefs spokesman Col. Dave Butler, Milley is in isolation and working remotely.ABC News reported:Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Mark Milley has tested positive for COVID-19 and is experiencing very minor symptoms, a spokesperson said Monday. The Marine Corps said its commandant, Gen. David Berger, also has COVID-19.
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'Very Complicated'
36 replies
Posted by Black Conservative Voice 1/18/2022 4:40:54 AM Post Reply
Michael Phelps says the controversy surrounding transgender NCAA swimmer Lia Thomas is “very complicated.” Thomas, a transgender swimmer on the women’s team at the University of Pennsylvania, competed for three years as a male. NCAA bylaws permit transgender athletes to compete as women if they have undergone testosterone suppression for a year. Phelps, appearing with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour last week, spoke to the issue as one of doping, saying he doesn’t believe he’s competed in a fair field in his whole career.
Jill Biden: I didn’t expect ‘healing
role’ as first lady
36 replies
Posted by Ribicon 1/17/2022 2:42:17 PM Post Reply
Las Vegas—Her husband campaigned to help unite the country, but Jill Biden says “healing” a nation wounded by a deadly pandemic, natural and other disasters and deep political polarization is among her chief roles as first lady, too. Wrapping up a year in which she saw herself as a key member of President Joe Biden’s team, the first lady told The Associated Press that she found herself taking on a role that “I didn’t kind of expect, which was like a healing role, because we’ve faced so much as a nation.” Jill Biden spoke sitting in the sunshine near a swimming pool at a Las Vegas hotel
Michigan Democrats tell parents they are
NOT 'clients' of public schools, that
children should be taught 'what society
needs them to know' - and that taxpayers
should stay out of education
35 replies
Posted by Ribicon 1/18/2022 11:56:36 AM Post Reply
Michigan Democrats were heavily criticized over the weekend for telling parents that they are not 'clients' of public schools and that public education teaches kids what society 'needs them to know.' A Facebook post on Saturday shared by the state's Democrats on their official page blasted the idea that parents should be involved in what public school teach their children. The post was taken down on Monday morning following heavy disapproval.(Snip)The Michigan Democratic Party later deleted the post on Martin Luther King Day and retracted its original statement. It is unclear who wrote the post—but Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer has been blasted for what many see as meddling
Janet Yellen says US economy is unfair
to Black Americans in MLK Day speech
33 replies
Posted by Ribicon 1/17/2022 1:16:16 PM Post Reply
The treasury secretary, Janet Yellen, marked Martin Luther King Day with a speech acknowledging that the US economy “has never worked fairly for Black Americans or, really, for any American of color”. Interpreting the late civil rights leader’s I Have a Dream speech, Yellen said: “Dr King knew that economic injustice was bound up in the larger injustice he fought against.” In her comments, recorded for delivery at the Rev Al Sharpton’s National Action Network breakfast in Washington, Yellen noted the financial metaphors the Rev Martin Luther King Jr used in his address, delivered on 28 August 1963, on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial
Fourth shot of Covid vaccine is NOT enough
to prevent 'lots of infections' from Omicron,
Israeli study finds
31 replies
Posted by Ribicon 1/17/2022 9:53:20 PM Post Reply
The fourth dose of the Covid vaccine is less effective on the Omicron variant and provides only limited defence, a preliminary study in Israel has found. Israel's Sheba Medical Center began administering a fourth vaccine to more than 270 medical staff last month during a trial program. Experts studied the defence of the Pfizer booster in 154 people after two weeks and the Moderna booster in 120 people—who had previously been vaccinated three times with the Pfizer vaccine—after one week. The clinical trial found that both groups showed increases in antibodies 'slightly higher' than following the third vaccine last year. But it said the increased antibodies did not prevent
William Barr to release memoir titled
‘One Damn Thing After Another’
30 replies
Posted by Ribicon 1/18/2022 3:15:27 PM Post Reply
Former Attorney General William P. Barr will release a memoir in March that will dive into his tenure under the presidencies of George H.W. Bush and Donald Trump. In the long-rumored book, “One Damn Thing After Another: Memoirs of an Attorney General,” Mr. Barr will give a “candid account of his historic tenures serving two vastly different presidents,” according to a book description on Amazon. “In this candid memoir, Barr takes readers behind the scenes during seminal moments of the 1990s, from the LA riots to Pan Am 103 and Iran Contra,” the description states. “Thirty years later, Barr faced an unrelenting barrage of issues, such as Russiagate,
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