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Rob a bank with a gun in NYC and get just
one year in jail! Disbelief at woke Manhattan
DA Alvin Bragg as he downgrades serious
crime like burglary, carrying a weapon
and drug dealing to avoid putting criminals
behind bars

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Posted By: Imright, 1/5/2022 5:34:07 PM

George Soros-backed Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg was greeted with growing backlash over his shockingly soft stance on crime that the progressive prosecutor revealed on Monday, less than 48 hours after new Mayor Eric Adams took office. Bragg, the newly minted prosecutor of the Big Apple's main borough, sent a memo to his staff announcing he 'will not seek carceral' sentences for criminals, unless they were guilty of murder or a handful of other crimes he deemed serious enough to warrant prison. His sweeping changes call on prosecutors to ditch felony armed robbery charges and instead charge suspects with petty larceny - a misdemeanor which

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Come And Take It 1/5/2022 5:57:35 PM (No. 1029312)
So much for law and order in the Big Apple. Eric "I Love the Vax Mandates" Adams can bust all the perps he wants, but this woke puke is going to let them out as fast as the cops can process them. Can NYC hit 600 murders in 2022? I think they can. This should do wonders to send the big taxpayers on a one way trip out of Manhattan to somewhere that knows how to deal with crime.
11 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: millstream 1/5/2022 6:00:23 PM (No. 1029314)
In NY commit a crime with a gun and it will be dowgraded to petty larceny...on the other hand if your name is Trump and you think you property is worth more than the DA does they will follow you to the ends of the earth and seek life in prison
21 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Starboard_side 1/5/2022 6:17:36 PM (No. 1029331)
So much for going to New York to see the Cubs play at Yankee Stadium this summer. Will find other vacation plans to avoid potentially becoming a victim in their city.
9 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: DVC 1/5/2022 6:18:19 PM (No. 1029332)
Say hello to Chaos. Mayhem, will be in a few weeks.
16 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: itsonlyme 1/5/2022 6:22:36 PM (No. 1029340)
All Points Bulletin To Hardened Criminals: Your "mecca" is NYC, particularly Manhattan The keys to the expanding cesspool are yours. The electorate sheep thought Eric Adams would be different. That ain't firecrackers in the background.
13 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: john56 1/5/2022 6:30:59 PM (No. 1029357)
But if you wear a silly Viking costume and walk around the Capitol, you get 42 months. My expectation is that the Manhattan DA will be a "tough on crime" DA when it comes to thought crimes and other offenses to his political lack-of-sensativities.
16 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: JackBurton 1/5/2022 6:34:30 PM (No. 1029359)
Is that what the Donks call 'gun control'??
4 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: Omen55 1/5/2022 6:54:16 PM (No. 1029372)
I escaped NY 29 yrs ago & have no regrets in my Red City/State. So let those leftys in Manhattan suffer & cry they voted for him now let him give it to dem hard!
12 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: JHHolliday 1/5/2022 7:52:28 PM (No. 1029428)
So much for what’s left of tourism in the Big Apple. There will be a few leftists who go and come back to brag at their dinner parties that they didn’t feel unsafe as a form of virtue signaling but there will be more who get shipped home in a body bag. Escape from NYC while you can.
8 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: JimBob 1/6/2022 12:56:38 AM (No. 1029582)
But..... If someone uses a gun to defend themselves from carjackers, I bet it would be a different story! I bet we would hear "Throw The Book at 'em!"
2 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: Trigger2 1/6/2022 3:27:57 AM (No. 1029625)
Recall the AH.
1 person likes this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: IAmButASimpleCaveman 1/6/2022 3:56:15 AM (No. 1029630)
and dont forget - this is great for business too
2 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: mifla 1/6/2022 4:29:09 AM (No. 1029642)
Dear NY muggers. Do me a favor and start robbing the liberal politicians. Thanks.
1 person likes this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: judy 1/6/2022 6:45:40 AM (No. 1029717)
If they wear their mask & receive their vax they will probably go free...
0 people like this.

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Posted by Imright 1/6/2022 7:54:40 PM Post Reply
By Kelly Wilde -One year after January 6th, we remember the American citizens who marched on the Capitol in peaceful protest only to be brutally attacked by the Capitol and Metro Police, entrapped by federal operatives, and smeared across the nation.These protestors were peaceful until police mercilessly threw flash bombs, tear gas, and other crowd-control munitions into the crowd, killing at least four Trump supporters. Some came to defend old people, women, and children who were being violently assaulted by police that day.One year later, at least 50 are rotting in jail in illegal pretrial incarceration. They have been denied due process and are being treated inhumanely,
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Posted by Imright 1/6/2022 7:25:29 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 1/6/2022 7:09:23 PM Post Reply
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‘Literally Theater’: Pelosi Has ‘Hamilton’
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Posted by Imright 1/6/2022 6:37:13 PM Post Reply
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) on Thursday incorporated the cast of Hamilton as part of the January 6 remembrance, sparking further mockery that the Democrats are “literally” engaging in “theater.”“To begin the conversation, we’re privileged to have a contribution from one of the great creative talents of our time, Lin-Manuel Miranda,” Pelosi said.“May his beautiful words be an inspiration to us. Among the words he said in the music, we’ll make it right for you. If we lay a strong enough foundation, we’ll pass it on to you, and we’ll give the world to you,” she continued:
Lindsey Graham criticizes Biden for his
'brazen politicization' of January 6 with
speech attacking Trump and asks if the
'Taliban who now run Afghanistan' are
showing his remarks live
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Posted by Imright 1/6/2022 6:10:04 PM Post Reply
GOP Senator Lindsey Graham accused President Joe Biden of 'brazenly' politicizing the Capitol riot on Thursday after he delivered a speech directly blaming his predecessor for the deadly events of January 6, 2021.The 79-year-old Democrat alongside Vice President Kamala Harris made a rare Capitol Hill address on Thursday morning to mark one year since Donald Trump's supporters stormed the Capitol complex to stop lawmakers from certifying Biden's 2020 electoral victory. 'The former president and his supporters are trying to rewrite history. They want you to see Election Day as the day of insurrection
Liz and Dick Cheney stand ALONE as the
only two Republicans in the chamber during
Nancy Pelosi's moment of silence: Former
VP tears into GOP leaders for their response
to January 6th and kicking his daughter out
32 replies
Posted by Imright 1/6/2022 6:00:37 PM Post Reply
GOP Rep. Liz Cheney and her father, former vice president Dick, were the only two Republicans standing in the House chamber when Speaker Nancy Pelosi held a moment of silence on the first anniversary of January 6. Pelosi announced the moment of silence as one of a series of events to mark the anniversary days in advance, and had asked lawmakers to tell her office if they planned to attend.But when it came time for the moment at noon Thursday, Cheney, a member of the select House committee probing January 6, didn't have much company on her side of the aisle.
Boom! Mike Lindell Sues Jan 6th Panel 7 replies
Posted by Imright 1/6/2022 5:54:37 PM Post Reply
While the establishment would like nothing more than for Mike Lindell to shut up and sit down, he’s a fighter that’s more than willing to ignore the elites in the D.C. Swamp and stand up for what he believes in. Now, his refusal to go silently into that good night is back in the news. Rather than complying with the Pelosi-dominated Jan. 6th panel and submitting his phone records and other personal data to the partisan hacks on it, he’s counterattacking and suing the Jan. 6th commission over the subpoena for his phone records.That counterattack was launched Wednesday,
Kamala Harris: Jan. 6 Riot Like Bombing
of Pearl Harbor, 9/11 Terror Attacks
37 replies
Posted by Imright 1/6/2022 10:26:53 AM Post Reply
Vice President Kamala Harris kicked off the Biden administration’s remarks on the first anniversary of the January 6, 2021 Capitol riot by comparing it to the bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1941, and the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.“Certain dates echo throughout history, including dates that instantly remind all who have lived through them where they were and what they were doing when our democracy came under assault. Dates that occupy not only a place in our calendars, but a place in our collective memory. December 7th, 1941. September 11, 2001. And January 6th, 2021.”
Joy Reid: Republicans must only hate Biden
because he was VP to the first black president
42 replies
Posted by Imright 1/6/2022 10:12:13 AM Post Reply
Her ongoing campaign to convince everyone who will listen that Republicans are the epitome of evil in the United States, MSNBC host Joy Reid on Wednesday accused the GOP of hating President Joe Biden because he was the Vice President under “the Black president.”Her guests, veritable yes-men former advisor to President Bush Matthew Dowd and former Sen. Claire McCaskill, had no issues with her assertion. Dowd himself even argued that if Republicans take back control of Congress during the 2022 midterms, democracy has “failed.”
Biden tears into Trump for watching TV
on January 6 and doing nothing while mob
erected gallows to hang Mike Pence, says
he created a 'web of lies' and mocks his
'bruised ego mattering more to him than Democracy'
32 replies
Posted by Imright 1/6/2022 9:56:32 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden blasted former President Donald Trump for spreading a 'web of lies' and sitting idly by as his supporters attacked the Capitol Building one year ago on Thursday. On Thursday morning, Biden, with Vice President Kamala Harris by his side, addressed the Capitol attack from Statuary Hall, one of the rooms hoards of Trump supporters traipsed through on January 6 of last year. 'We saw with our own eyes rioters menace these halls threatening the life of the Speaker of the House. Literally erecting gallows to hang the vice president of the United States of America,' Biden recalled.
Biden bashes Trump, pushes federal election
bill on Capitol riot anniversary
11 replies
Posted by Imright 1/6/2022 9:53:27 AM Post Reply
President Biden is expected to blast former President Donald Trump as a threat to democracy and repeat his calls for passage of a federal election bill Thursday at an event marking the anniversary of the Capitol riot. Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris will speak to a gathering of lawmakers around 9 a.m. in the Capitol’s Statuary Hall, which is located between the building’s central Rotunda and House chamber.White House press secretary Jen Psaki told reporters Wednesday that Biden “is going to speak to the truth of what happened, not the lies that some have spread since, and the peril it posed to the rule of law
Bored of your car's colour? BMW's new
colour-changing all-electric iX that switches
from black to white at the push of a button
is showcased at CES 2022
14 replies
Posted by Imright 1/6/2022 4:42:59 AM Post Reply
Can't decide on the colour of your next car? Well, BMW has you covered with their all-electric iX Flow, which changes from black to white at the push of a button.The German automobile firm unveiled the chameleon-like sports activity vehicle today at the Consumer Electronics Show, which is being held in Las Vegas, Nevada. The colour changing ability uses the same 'E ink' electrophoretic technology built into the screens of e-Book readers, except applied to a special car body wrap.
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Joe Biden Plans Political Anti-Trump Tirade
for January 6th Anniversary
57 replies
Posted by Imright 1/5/2022 9:34:21 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden expects to target former President Donald Trump during his speech on Capitol Hill Thursday, marking the first anniversary of the January 6th protests of the 2020 election.White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki previewed the speech for reporters at the White House on Wednesday, noting that Biden believed that Trump had “singular responsibility” for the riots on that day and would call him out directly.“President Biden has been clear-eyed about the threat the former President represents to our democracy and how the former President constantly works to undermine basic American values and rule of law,”
Joy Reid: Republicans must only hate Biden
because he was VP to the first black president
42 replies
Posted by Imright 1/6/2022 10:12:13 AM Post Reply
Her ongoing campaign to convince everyone who will listen that Republicans are the epitome of evil in the United States, MSNBC host Joy Reid on Wednesday accused the GOP of hating President Joe Biden because he was the Vice President under “the Black president.”Her guests, veritable yes-men former advisor to President Bush Matthew Dowd and former Sen. Claire McCaskill, had no issues with her assertion. Dowd himself even argued that if Republicans take back control of Congress during the 2022 midterms, democracy has “failed.”
Bette Midler Commemorates January 6 Capitol
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Posted by Imright 1/5/2022 7:03:48 PM Post Reply
Bette Midler is the latest left-wing figure to equate last year’s January 6 Capitol riot to the September 11 terrorist attacks, which killed nearly 3,000 people — claiming both events left her in similar states of shock.The Hollywood star, who recently had to apologize for smearing West Virginians as “poor, illiterate, and strung out,” commemorated the January 6 riot in a series of social media posts Wednesday. She called it “one of the most traumatic days in American history” and blamed former President Donald Trump and Fox News.
Kamala Harris: Jan. 6 Riot Like Bombing
of Pearl Harbor, 9/11 Terror Attacks
37 replies
Posted by Imright 1/6/2022 10:26:53 AM Post Reply
Vice President Kamala Harris kicked off the Biden administration’s remarks on the first anniversary of the January 6, 2021 Capitol riot by comparing it to the bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1941, and the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.“Certain dates echo throughout history, including dates that instantly remind all who have lived through them where they were and what they were doing when our democracy came under assault. Dates that occupy not only a place in our calendars, but a place in our collective memory. December 7th, 1941. September 11, 2001. And January 6th, 2021.”
CNN Medical Guest: We Need to Do More
to Punish Unvaccinated Americans
35 replies
Posted by Imright 1/5/2022 8:36:56 PM Post Reply
Arthur Caplan, who is the director of Medical Ethics at NYU Grossman School of Medicine, told CNN on Wednesday more things need to be done to punish Americans who are not vaccinated for COVID-19.A clearly perturbed anchor John Berman asked Caplan, "Why should anyone who is boosted bother at this point to do anything that makes the unvaccinated more safe?""Well, look, I want us to act as a community. I want us to act as a team. When you’re fighting a war, you need all hands on deck. I don’t want to reject those who still haven’t done the right thing. I’ll condemn them. I’ll shame them.
Federal authorities won't say why armed
Capitol rioters disappeared from FBI's
most wanted list
34 replies
Posted by Imright 1/5/2022 9:57:57 PM Post Reply
Federal authorities won't explain why three men who participated in the Capitol riot on Jan. 6, 2021, have mysteriously disappeared from the FBI's Capitol Violence Most Wanted list. One unidentified man wore an earpiece during the riot and was filmed carrying what appeared to be a concealed handgun on his left hip. The man was pictured on the FBI's most wanted list for over five months until he was removed without explanation on the same day the New York Times reported an FBI informant was at the Capitol on Jan. 6.
Liz and Dick Cheney stand ALONE as the
only two Republicans in the chamber during
Nancy Pelosi's moment of silence: Former
VP tears into GOP leaders for their response
to January 6th and kicking his daughter out
32 replies
Posted by Imright 1/6/2022 6:00:37 PM Post Reply
GOP Rep. Liz Cheney and her father, former vice president Dick, were the only two Republicans standing in the House chamber when Speaker Nancy Pelosi held a moment of silence on the first anniversary of January 6. Pelosi announced the moment of silence as one of a series of events to mark the anniversary days in advance, and had asked lawmakers to tell her office if they planned to attend.But when it came time for the moment at noon Thursday, Cheney, a member of the select House committee probing January 6, didn't have much company on her side of the aisle.
Biden tears into Trump for watching TV
on January 6 and doing nothing while mob
erected gallows to hang Mike Pence, says
he created a 'web of lies' and mocks his
'bruised ego mattering more to him than Democracy'
32 replies
Posted by Imright 1/6/2022 9:56:32 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden blasted former President Donald Trump for spreading a 'web of lies' and sitting idly by as his supporters attacked the Capitol Building one year ago on Thursday. On Thursday morning, Biden, with Vice President Kamala Harris by his side, addressed the Capitol attack from Statuary Hall, one of the rooms hoards of Trump supporters traipsed through on January 6 of last year. 'We saw with our own eyes rioters menace these halls threatening the life of the Speaker of the House. Literally erecting gallows to hang the vice president of the United States of America,' Biden recalled.
Benny Hill had his theme music and now
Jill Biden does too
31 replies
Posted by Magnante 1/6/2022 9:07:20 AM Post Reply
The Washington Examiner has broken what is, so far, the best story of the year: It turns out that Jill Biden has her own “walk-up” music. That is, whenever she makes an official appearance, this music is played for her, just as Hail to the Chief is played when the president appears. Someone within the Marine Corps band wrote it, although there is some dispute as to whether the White House requested such music or the Marine Corps band members spontaneously felt that Jill needed that special song.
NFL’s Aaron Rodgers excoriated for reading
Atlas Shrugged
30 replies
Posted by DW626 1/5/2022 10:00:55 AM Post Reply
Green Bay quarterback Aaron Rodgers has become persona non grata to progressives. Which is, truthfully, a remarkably easy feat. He started irritating them around a year ago when he criticized politicians who didn’t obey their own COVID-19 mandates. More recently he deplored the “woke mob” and “cancel culture.” The woke mob became truly apoplectic when Rodgers wasn’t clear about his vaccination status and then spoke with popular podcaster Joe Rogan, subsequently saying he had availed himself of the same COVID-19 treatment Rogan claimed to have used successfully. You know, the so-called “horse de-wormer.” Which is not a Dr. Fauci-approved “vaccine.”
There Was No Insurrection But There Was
A Coup
29 replies
Posted by Magnante 1/6/2022 3:51:49 AM Post Reply
The debate is over. After a year spent investigating claims of election fraud, the media has determined that any fraud in the 2020 election was too insignificant to have changed the outcome and Joe Biden legitimately won. Now we can get back to our normal lives, or whatever passes for normal now…except that’s fiction. (snip) Coup d’états differ from revolutions in that they’re generally orchestrated by or include people within government who seize power (snip) After two months of being caricatured and called conspiracy nuts or white nationalists, almost a million frustrated Trump voters went to Washington on January 6th to demand Congress investigate the election
Huge! Georgia Ballot Trafficking Whistleblower
Admits to Making $45,000 for Stuffing
Ballot Boxes — Just One of 242 Traffickers
— Hundreds Of Thousands Of Ballots! (Video)
29 replies
Posted by Imright 1/5/2022 12:21:16 PM Post Reply
This Is a Breaking Update—The Georgia ballot trafficking whistleblower reportedly admitted to making $45,000 for stuffing Georgia ballot boxes from 2 to 5 AM in the morning. He was just one of 242 alleged ballot traffickers identified by the True the Vote investigation. There is a possibility of HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of ballots that were stufffed into the ballot boxes in Georgia!. Radio host John Fredericks went on with Steve Bannon on The War Room on Wednesday morning after news broke last night that a ballot trafficker had started talking in Georgia after he was paid thousands of dollars for stuffing the ballot boxes
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