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Media Narrative Wrecked! Poll Shows 1.8
Million Turned Down Jobs Because of
Government Handouts

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Posted By: Imright, 7/16/2021 11:49:36 AM

A new poll delivers a devastating blow to the latest lie from the mainstream media about unemployment.According to a poll from Morning Consult, a whopping 1.8 million Americans turned down jobs because the government extended unemployment benefits and it discouraged work.The outlet stated that 14.1 million Americans who were receiving unemployment insurance for the week ending June 19 that “benefits reduced the number of accepted job offers by an estimated 1.84 million over the course of the pandemic.”The 1.84 million Americans turned down jobs likely because of government

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Reply 1 - Posted by: DVC 7/16/2021 12:15:14 PM (No. 847897)
Ask any restaurant manager, they'll tell you. I have discussed this with several. Government welfare handouts are wrecking the small business economy.
15 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: formerNYer 7/16/2021 12:23:39 PM (No. 847907)
All part of the plan to wreck the economy and take more control of our lives by claiming Capitalism doesn't work.
14 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: ROLFNader 7/16/2021 12:29:31 PM (No. 847913)
Thousands of contractors are hiring workers for a day , here and there, and paying cash to those who are getting these gubmint checks. I've been on both sides of these situations over the years and anyone who has been in that arena knows it. Cash is king for , oh! so many reasons.
3 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: GO3 7/16/2021 12:30:31 PM (No. 847916)
The actual monthly dollar amount of benefits regardless if UI is extended does not replace one's salary. The employer contributes money to UI based upon a worker's salary but does not match it. So, during the basic eligibility period, you're supposed to be actively seeking employment because money will be tight. So, what do these people do? Live in an Airstream? Sell dope? How do they pay power and water? Food? Car payments? Prostitution? What? FTA: "...meaning that over half of the jobs that UI recipients rejected would have been rejected even if they were no longer receiving benefits." This tells me they've settled in to an alternative money making venture or now have a sugar daddy/mommy or a back to a nature lifestyle or whatever. Or maybe just hopeless and without dignity.
2 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: DVC 7/16/2021 1:41:49 PM (No. 847981)
#4, in some places, all evictions have been stopped, so perhaps these folks just stopped paying rent.
4 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: TXknitter 7/16/2021 1:48:44 PM (No. 847990)
I know business owners here say great, the child care payments will make it harder to get workers. UGH! Nice pleasant places of business cannot get people to work. Notice its only government workers who needn’t worry about job security, forced inoculations of experimental gene therapy or constantly changing medical insurances at work that pay out less and less. This is where the government is going.
3 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: jinx 7/16/2021 1:59:13 PM (No. 847997)
My daughter teaches GED classes. She says no one is showing up these days. Wonder why? They don't need an education to get a job; Uncle Sam is paying them not to work.
8 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: snowoutlaw 7/16/2021 3:10:00 PM (No. 848051)
Employers are probably better off without most of these "workers". When the free money stops I suspect many of the job offers will also go away, positions filled.
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Reply 9 - Posted by: GO3 7/16/2021 3:31:20 PM (No. 848071)
#5, good point.
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Reply 10 - Posted by: subman47 7/16/2021 3:58:11 PM (No. 848084)
You mean people would rather get a check in the mail rather then look for a paying job. Is that why businesses are closed on weekends and some holidays because they can't get any help to work. Who would have thought?
3 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: MickTurn 7/16/2021 5:13:54 PM (No. 848132)
It's part of the Democrap plan. Small Business owners are a target because a large majority oppose the Democraps Marxist policies.
4 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: judy 7/17/2021 3:29:55 AM (No. 848377)
26 states opted out of the federal extended’s it working in the red states? My guess is blue states are the only ones holding on to the extended benefits. It amazes me why Dems love high unemployment???
2 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: mifla 7/17/2021 5:17:27 AM (No. 848399)
The problem with Socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money. When our financial house of cards comes falling down, all these people with their hand out will find themselves in a world of hurt.
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Reply 14 - Posted by: Come And Take It 7/17/2021 5:24:30 AM (No. 848402)
California is now making noise about a guaranteed income, which is just another money for nothing scheme designed to addict the lazy and ignorant masses to Uncle Sugar. This has long been a hobby horse of the Bernie left. Think of it as unemployment into perpetuity under the guise of 'human dignity'. The more drones that the government pays to exist, the more foot soldiers they have to react violently when someone suggest they take their 'right to free money' away. This has been tried in other 'enlightened' countries such as Sweden, who taxes as a very high rate so that the government can provide every possible thing to all. It has been a failure everywhere, because eventually you have everyone riding the cart, and no one pulling it. The only way to keep the lie going is to keep printing money, which is exactly where we are right now.
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Today's Double Standard Justice System:
Dem Rep Joyce Beatty Storms US Capitol,
Arrested and Released Soon After While
Trump Supporters Languish in Isolation in
Prison for 6 Months for Same Offense
4 replies
Posted by Imright 7/17/2021 10:24:18 AM Post Reply
Democrat Rep. Joyce Beatty along with a group of far-left protesters stormed the Hart Senate Building on Thursday chanting, “End the filibuster!”Congresswoman Beatty, who is the head of the Congressional Black Caucus, was arrested during the insurrection by Capitol Police.Police zip-tied her wrists and marched her off.Here's the Video: (Tweet/Video) Rep. Beatty was out of confinement soon afterward. Yet, ironically, she complained about ‘the double-standard treatment’. She did not have to worry about being held indefinitely without trial. She did not have to worry about losing her job or being doxxed in her community.
'Let them die!': NAACP leader blasts parents
who oppose critical race theory in fiery
speech outside Virginia middle school board
meeting - and PTA says they'll send her to
'sensitivity training'
14 replies
Posted by Imright 7/17/2021 10:02:59 AM Post Reply
An NAACP leader has been caught on camera blasting parents who oppose Critical Race Theory and shouting 'let them die' in a fiery speech outside a Virginia middle school board meeting.NAACP Vice President Michelle Leete - who is also a member of Virginia state PTA - made the inflammatory comments to a crowd at Luther Jackson Middle School in Falls Church, Fairfax County, Thursday.The crowd, who cheered in response to Leete's speech, had gathered to counter-protest a group of parents who were holding a 'Stop CRT rally' at the school.
Delaware US Attorney Blocked Hunter
Biden Warrants and Subpoenas in Order to
Protect the Joe Biden 2020 Election Effort
14 replies
Posted by Imright 7/17/2021 1:33:16 AM Post Reply
Baselines are always important when reviewing information; I cannot stress this enough. When the corrupt instititional officials within the DOJ and FBI need to justify their corrupt activity, or get out in front of any exposure of their corrupt activity, they consistently run to two media outlets, The New York Times and Politico. [State Dept use CNN, Intelligence Community use Washington Post] This is the one constant you will notice in all reporting.That is the baseline for Politico writing today about U.S. Attorney David Weiss intentionally burying information about an investigation of Hunter Biden
Analysis: Joe Biden’s Open Border to
Drive 1.7M Illegal Aliens to U.S. in 2021
16 replies
Posted by Imright 7/17/2021 1:16:00 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden’s deliberate open borders policy is expected to drive nearly 1.7 million illegal aliens to the United States-Mexico border by the end of 2021, new analysis projects.On Friday, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) revealed that more than 178,000 border crossers were encountered by federal immigration officials in June along the border. This total does not include illegal aliens who successfully crossed into the U.S., undetected by federal immigration officials.Steven Kopits with Princeton Policy Advisors projects that Biden’s “deliberate policy of holding the border open” will invite close to 1.7 million illegal aliens arriving at the border this calendar year —
Federal judge orders Biden to BLOCK new
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Posted by Imright 7/16/2021 11:58:58 PM Post Reply
A U.S. federal judge in Texas on Friday blocked new applications to a program that protects immigrants who were brought to the United States as children from deportation. U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen sided with a group of states suing to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, arguing it was illegally created by former President Barack Obama in 2012.Hanen found the program violated the Administrative Procedure Act (APA) when it was created but said that since there were so many people currently enrolled in the program -
Chinese company Xiaomi now sells
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12 replies
Posted by Imright 7/16/2021 8:49:38 PM Post Reply
A Chinese smartphone maker just took a big bite out of Apple. Beijing-based Xiaomi shipped more smartphones worldwide than Apple during the second quarter of this year — edging past the iPhone maker for the first time, according to a report. Xiaomi was responsible for 17 percent of all smartphone shipments during the April-through-June period, while Apple shipped 14 percent, according to the report by market analyst Canalys. Meanwhile, South Korean giant Samsung held onto the No. 1 spot, with 19 percent of shipments. The report comes as Apple pushes high-end devices like the iPhone 12, some of which come with sticker prices of more than $1,000.
Arizona state senator demands electors be
recalled for new election, calls for audit of
all 50 states
34 replies
Posted by Imright 7/16/2021 8:17:52 PM Post Reply
Following an Arizona Senate hearing Thursday about the ongoing audit of Maricopa County’s election results, a Republican state senator issued stunning tweets calling for the state’s electors to be recalled and a new election held.State Sen. Wendy Rogers, a retired Air Force pilot, posted the tweets after Cyber Ninjas CEO Doug Logan, CyFIR founder Ben Cotton and Arizona Senate Liaison Ken Bennett testified about their current findings.“Thousands of names were added to the voting rolls after election day, but are recorded as casting a ballot in the 2020 election,” Logan claimed at one point in the hearing.Meanwhile, all three slammed the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors for refusing to
Secretary of State Blinken Invites United
Nations to Investigate Racism in the U.S.
17 replies
Posted by Imright 7/16/2021 6:44:35 PM Post Reply
Democrats, specifically members of the Biden administration, frequently insult the United States of America by claiming that our country has a problem of systemic racism.The only thing that could be worse is for them to invite a corrupt, hypocritical body like the United Nations to investigate those claims.They did just that.Matthew Lee of the Associated Press: US invites UN’s racism and human rights envoys to visit. The Biden administration is formally inviting United Nations racism and human rights envoys to visit the United States amid a contentious ongoing domestic debate over the treatment of minorities in America.
Out: Climate change.
In: Moon wobble
25 replies
Posted by Imright 7/16/2021 6:41:26 PM Post Reply
We are once again being warned of incoming dangers, particularly for coastal regions, as sea levels rise and the tides become higher and stronger. Normally, the next two words following such a dire forecast would be “climate change,” but now there’s a different cause being given. The moon will be starting to “wobble” more in its orbit in the next decade, exerting a greater gravitational pull on the oceans, so tides will continue to grow higher for the following ten years before slowly beginning to recede again. When you combine these accelerated tides with higher ocean levels (that’s the part they’ll blame on climate change)
#Bidenflation: Cost of Gas, Used
Cars Up 45%, Car Rentals 88%
23 replies
Posted by Imright 7/16/2021 5:17:57 PM Post Reply
Nearly all Americans expect the inflation under Joe Biden’s presidency will worsen still, even as the cost of gas and used cars is already up by 45 percent, and bacon up by 8.4 percent, the Washington Examiner reported Thursday. “The hashtag #Bidenflation has been trending recently,” wrote Washington Secrets columnist Paul Bedard, noting a new survey from Skynova, an online invoicing firm that found 88 percent of people in the United States believe the current inflation is “here to stay and will soar more.”
Biden says social media is 'killing people'
with vaccine misinformation after Jen Psaki
snapped at reporter's 'inaccurate' claim the
White House is 'spying' on Facebook posts
33 replies
Posted by Imright 7/16/2021 5:15:12 PM Post Reply
President Biden said social media platforms such as Facebook were 'killing people' as the White House on Friday doubled down on the danger of COVID-19 misinformation.He spoke to reporters minutes after the issue dominated a White House press briefing, with reporters asking whether the administration was spying on American citizens by flagging misleading, dangerous information.As he left for a weekend at Camp David, Biden was asked if he had a message for social media companies like Facebook. 'They’re killing people. I mean it really,' he said.
Code Red Comics: Book Burners
Are Coming for Your Books
11 replies
Posted by Imright 7/16/2021 11:53:08 AM Post Reply
John Milton wrote: “Who kills a man kills a reasonable creature… but he who destroys a good book, kills reason itself.”Book burners have infested the world since mankind invented the written word. Although the Library of Alexandria didn’t burn to the ground, as myth would have it, the words contained in it fell out of favor. Looted, the contents were unavailable to the public. Europe’s dark age saw only select few reading. A priest could read. Royalty as well, but commoners could not. Books and reading books were kept from the common man as a means of control. Knowledge was for a select few.Nazi were infamous book burners
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Posted by Imright 7/16/2021 2:47:45 AM Post Reply
The NFL plans to perform or play the black national anthem before games this season, ESPN reports. 'Lift Ev'ry Voice And Sing,' traditionally referred to as the black national anthem, will be performed before 'The Star-Spangled Banner,' during the season opener on September 10, when the Kansas City Chiefs host the Houston Texans.The NFL, in collaboration with the NFL Players Association, is also considering featuring names of victims who suffered police brutality on uniforms, helmets or patches on jerseys.
Pope reverses Benedict, reimposes
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Posted by IowaDad 7/16/2021 7:38:41 AM Post Reply
ROME — Pope Francis cracked down Friday on the spread of the old Latin Mass, reversing one of Pope Benedict XVI’s signature decisions in a major challenge to traditionalist Catholics who immediately decried it as an attack on the ancient liturgy. Francis reimposed restrictions on celebrating the Latin Mass that Benedict relaxed in 2007. The pontiff said he was taking action because Benedict’s reform had become a source of division in the church and been used as a tool by Catholics opposed to the Second Vatican Council, the 1960s meetings that modernized the liturgy. Francis issued a new law requiring individual bishops to approve celebrations of the old Mass
FB oversight member says free speech
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Posted by earlybird 7/16/2021 12:59:41 PM Post Reply
A Facebook Oversight Board member says free speech is “not an absolute human right,” and must be balanced against “other human rights” when deciding what content to censor. The board member, former Danish Prime Minister Helle Thorning Schmidt, said “free speech is not an absolute human right.” “It has to be balanced with other human rights,” she said Thursday at a Politico Europe event. The 20-member Facebook Oversight Board was set up last year to allow corporate executives to claim distance from politically sensitive decisio
Arizona state senator demands electors be
recalled for new election, calls for audit of
all 50 states
34 replies
Posted by Imright 7/16/2021 8:17:52 PM Post Reply
Following an Arizona Senate hearing Thursday about the ongoing audit of Maricopa County’s election results, a Republican state senator issued stunning tweets calling for the state’s electors to be recalled and a new election held.State Sen. Wendy Rogers, a retired Air Force pilot, posted the tweets after Cyber Ninjas CEO Doug Logan, CyFIR founder Ben Cotton and Arizona Senate Liaison Ken Bennett testified about their current findings.“Thousands of names were added to the voting rolls after election day, but are recorded as casting a ballot in the 2020 election,” Logan claimed at one point in the hearing.Meanwhile, all three slammed the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors for refusing to
Forget about Booting Biden 34 replies
Posted by Magnante 7/16/2021 3:35:30 AM Post Reply
As the forensic audit in Maricopa County, Arizona, winds down, expectations are rising that the defects of the 2020 election will finally be addressed. A recent poll reports that "more than half" of Republicans expect the audit to bounce President Biden out of office. That's not going to happen. And that's not a bad thing. Fixing the 2020 election requires more than Biden has to offer. Real reform requires going after the people who put Biden in office. (snip) There is no precedent or framework for revoking Biden's Electoral College "win."
Biden says social media is 'killing people'
with vaccine misinformation after Jen Psaki
snapped at reporter's 'inaccurate' claim the
White House is 'spying' on Facebook posts
33 replies
Posted by Imright 7/16/2021 5:15:12 PM Post Reply
President Biden said social media platforms such as Facebook were 'killing people' as the White House on Friday doubled down on the danger of COVID-19 misinformation.He spoke to reporters minutes after the issue dominated a White House press briefing, with reporters asking whether the administration was spying on American citizens by flagging misleading, dangerous information.As he left for a weekend at Camp David, Biden was asked if he had a message for social media companies like Facebook. 'They’re killing people. I mean it really,' he said.
Biden grappling with ‘pandemic
of the unvaccinated’
31 replies
Posted by IowaDad 7/17/2021 6:57:51 AM Post Reply
WASHINGTON — Two weeks after celebrating America’s near “independence” from the coronavirus, President Joe Biden is confronting the worrying reality of rising cases and deaths — and the limitations of his ability to combat the persistent vaccine hesitance responsible for the summer backslide. Cases of COVID-19 have tripled over the past three weeks, and hospitalizations and deaths are rising among unvaccinated people. While the rates are still sharply down from their January highs, officials are concerned by the reversing trendlines and what they consider needless illness and death. And cases are expected to continue to rise in coming weeks.
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29 replies
Posted by Black Conservative Voice 7/16/2021 5:28:53 AM Post Reply
Chrissy Teigen opened up about being put in the "cancel club" after she was accused of cyberbullying model Courtney Stodden and others online. Teigen shared a photo on Instagram with a lengthy caption expressing how she's been feeling to her fans.
Twitter explodes after Psaki urges Big
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28 replies
Posted by Moritz55 7/16/2021 7:05:40 PM Post Reply
The White House is courting intense criticism again Friday after press secretary Jen Psaki said that once users are banned from one social media platform for spreading coronavirus "misinformation," they should be expelled from all others as well. Remarking on steps social media outlets could take for public health, she advised they "create robust enforcement strategies that bridge their properties and provide transparency about rules. You shouldn't be banned from one platform and not others if you are for providing misinformation out there."
Durham report may not be
'broad' as hoped but prosecutions
in play, Nunes says
28 replies
Posted by Ida Lou Pino 7/16/2021 10:08:21 AM Post Reply
Any report compiled by special counsel John Durham "may not be as broad as we want it to be," warned a leading Republican congressman, who nevertheless expects more prosecutions. Rep. Devin Nunes, the ranking member on the House Intelligence Committee, made the observation as he assessed what remains to be seen of the inquiry into the origins and conduct of the Russia investigation. The long duration of the special counsel investigation has frustrated former President Donald Trump, who often asks about Durham's progress.
Nicolle Wallace: As an Ex-Republican, I Know
They NEED Minority Voter Suppression
28 replies
Posted by Imright 7/16/2021 2:09:37 AM Post Reply
On Tuesday's Deadline: White House, host Nicolle Wallace claimed that her status as a former Republican gives her the ability to say that the GOP knows it must suppress the minority vote in order to win. She was saying President Biden was right to trash Republicans as the greatest threat to democracy since the Civil War.Wallace began by quoting PBS White House correspondent and MSNBC contributor Yamiche Alcindor's positive tweet: "That was one of President Biden's most passionate speeches of his presidency, possibly of his entire career. He's saying very clearly this is a crisis as important as to what led to the Civil War. He said 'peddlers of lies
Poll-dancing: Is Biden really
at 49 percent approval?
26 replies
Posted by Magnante 7/17/2021 4:15:41 AM Post Reply
Here are the biased numbers for the recent Economist-YouGov poll that gives Joe Biden a 49% approval rating. (snip) Dem (324) Republican (235) Independent (260) Ninety-nine more Democrats sampled vs. Republicans were included in the results. It is not hard to get the results you want if the polls are assembled in this way, and this is always the method with these polls. A total of 819 from 1,500 participants. Does that mean the rest were dumped because they are not registered to vote or affiliated with a party? Were their answers included in the reported percentages?
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